We are running this report from a 3rd party applications. We have one person who when logged in as herself receives this error. I have verified the database location on this report and removed the select distinct records only. Unfornuately it still doesn't run under her log in.
Does anyone...
Select (Note + case when Note is not null then '| 'end
+ Goal_Note + case when Goal_Note is not null then '| ' end
+ Intervention_Note + case when Intervention_Note is not null then '| ' end
+ Plan_Note) as All_Notes
I pulled this...
Why do you have the isnull for each field? I don't want to combine null fields.
Also, from this information I'm still not able to combine 4 text(memo) fields and combine into the one "Note_All" text field.
I have 4 Text fields that I need to combine into one new text field. Can this be done? If so, how do I go about making this happen.
I need the first 4 note fields combined into the last "Note_All" field.
I am using SQL Server 2000.
{@Day2}= DateAdd ("d",1,{?StartDate})
{@DayofWk2}= WeekdayName (DayOfWeek ({@Day2}),True)
What else do you need to know in order to be able to assist me with this issue?
This is not helping to bring back the appropriate records between start and end dates. How do I force it to read my criteria and bring back the correct times between the start and end dates?
Crystal 8.5
I have created a timesheet that with formulas determines the dates and days for a pay period. Next, I need to pull in the scheduled times that relate to those timesheet dates.
Each individuals schedule may change at any time. If I have an individuals who's schedule changes during...
For each day of the week the individual time is provided by denoting the time they will work from and to and then the day of the week is check off that this time will apply too.
Time from: 9am Time To: 11am
Days checked that this applies to: x Mon Tue Wed x Thu Fri
Time from...
Crystal 8.5
I am creating a timesheet form based on the scheduled hours our foster grandparents work. They can have flexible schedules. It's the flexible schedules I'm having a problem with. My timesheet section is only picking up the last detail line. I need it to pick up and evaluate every...
This is what I did.
Update FD__Agency_Admission
Set FD__Agency_Admission.Discharge_Date = '12/31/2004'
(Select FamilyKey From TLV_ES_AgencyDischargeDates)h
on FD__Agency_Admission.FamilyKey = h.FamilyKey
The FamilyKeys listed in the...
I want to update the table FD__Agency_Admission with the results from a sql select query saved it as a View called TLV__ES_AgencyDischargeDates.
I want to do something like this:
Update FD__Agency_Admission
Set Discharge_Date = '12/31/2004'
Where Discharge_Date is null
How do I use the...
I put this in:
Select t.FamilyKey, t.ProgramCode from TLV_NullDischargeDate t
From(Select FamilyKey from TLV_NullDischargeDate
Group by FamilyKey
having count(FamilyKey) = 1) a
on t.FamilyKey = a.FamilyKey
Where t.ProgramCode = 6
And got this:
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2...
I'm receiving this error.
Server: Msg 147, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is
in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list,
and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.
Any suggestions?
I want to have it left out of the returned data. We are closing all clients enrolled in program 6 at the end of the year. The Update function will be used to set their Agency Discharge Date at 12/31/04. However, if they are enrolled in any other program, we don't want to give them this date...
I am trying to write a SQL statement that will compare one row to the next, then eliminate the rows not needed.
Table: TLV_DischargeDates
FamilyKey Program
5723 2
5830 3
8473 5
8473 6
8493 1
8930 3
14710 5...
This is what I wrote:
StringVar MyString := "";
(If {FD__ADS_NEGOTIATED_SRVC_AGRMNT.SF_B_FS} = "T" Then MyString := "Self");
if mystring <> "" then mystring := mystring + ", ";
MyString := mystring + "ADS");
I am wanting to create a formula/loop? that will check for a true condition on multiple fields and then return a comment for each field who's condition equals true. The if statement doesn't work because it will only return the first true statement it hits.
I'm working in Crystal 8.5
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