I currently have collection % calculated as:
( ( SUM(pvpa.insPayment) + SUM(pvpa.patPayment) ) / dbo.cusIsZero(SUM(pvp.TotalFee) * 100, 1) ) AS CollectedAvg,
What I have to have is the sum of the payments divided by last months sum of Total Fee. Any assistance is deeply appreciated!!
I am using crystal reports ver 9. I am using a fixed font of courier new font size 9. I need to do a fixed length report that contains fields of various character widths. Is it possible to set width sizes on my report to be exactly the number of characters I need.
For example, I need 'Employee...
{?DATE2} is currently set up as a String. I need it to pull the date as yyyyMMdd - is this do-able somehow?
"05" & LEFT({?BATCHHEADER} & SPACE(30),30) & CSTR(CurrentDate,"yyyyMMdd") & {?DATE2} & LEFT({?JOURNAL} + SPACE(10),10)
What would be the best way to write this formula? It the SFFormOfDeclaration = "W-2" or "1099" then I want an "X" else nothing. Would I just want to use multiple IF THEN Statments or could I use a IN Statement??
IF {rpPatProfile.SFFormOfDeclaration} = "W-2" THEN "X"
I am needing some assistance with how my report is currently returning results. I currently have 3 grouping levels:
Group 1: Data.Code
Group 2: Data.ProcCode
Group 3: Data.NotesType
What I am having issues with is when I have more then 1 ProcCode. If I have more than 1 ProcCode, I am getting...
I am using Crystal Reports 11 and I need to suppress a field if another field does not exist. I am trying to use this on my field and its displaying still.
Trim ({Claims_txt.Proc6CPTCode}) = ""
If Proc6CPTCode does not exist, I need my field to not appear. It continues to populate a 0.00 in...
I ended up getting my percentages correct, however I ran into another issue.
I have {#Scheduled Doctor} - {#Scheduled Doctor New}. If I have nothing in {#Scheduled Doctor New} I am not getting a % back, only a blank space. Can I have it minus zero if null here to give me back a %...
Do you have some field that identifies an appointment as cancelled?
Yes. Each of the canceled appointments are set up as Running Totals that sum that status and resets on the group for Doctor, Facility and Day.
The specific fields are:
[ado.Seen] for my Completed Appointments
[ado.No Show...
I will try to explain what I am doing a little better.
I have 8 statuses that I need to total back to 100%.
Scheduled Appointments
Same Day Appointments
Completed Appointments
No Show Appointments
Patient Canceled Appointments
Clinic Canceled Appointments
Patient Left Canceled...
I need help with one formula (below) in snippet. I need the percent of Same day appointments by Doctor minus the canceled appointments.
I think the best way to describe this is by telling you about an example I have. I have 16 appointments on my demo schedule. 2 were scheduled appointments and...
In my report, I have 3 detail sections.
On Details A, I have a English letter.
On Details B, I have a Spanish letter.
On Details C, I have a Somali letter.
What I need is to pull the letter based on the patients language.
My field name is {data.PrefLang}. If the patient has a value not...
{rpPatProfile.WorkersComp} is a number. I am using crystal 9. It must be coming from somewhere else then. If I have that as my detail suppress statement, shouldn't other formulas in that section matter since I am suppressing it overall?
For example - in that one detail section i have close to...
I am using this unexpecting value on my Details band to suppress if my paient has work comp. I am getting a string is required here error when it executes in my database. When I check the formula it say no errors but wont work in my db. Can I cast or change this somehow...
I apologize for not stating my issue correctly. Right now, due to the SQL my SSN would populate as such:
What I need it to look like is:
I am getting the numbers now for the First 5.
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