The problem has been fixed. The second time a re started my machine the log off button has returned!! Thanks again for your help and support. Its much appreciated.
Thank you for your reply. The first Registry Value was correct. The second two were missing. I have entered both of these DWORD keys and values but still no luck. Where do I take it from here? Thanks again. Keith Johnson
Thank you for this information. I have tried changing these items using Gpedit.msc and it did not correct the problem. One of the items did not appear when I was looking at the group policies. The Policy:Force Logoff to the Start Menu was not there. The policy Add Logoff to the Start Menu is...
I am using Win xp pro with 5 user accounts. We can all log in without any problems. When it comes to switching users or trying to log off to switch, the log off button does not appear. Only the Turn Off Computer button appears. Any ideas on how to get the button back would be appreciated.
The Old Man,
I've just turned my computer on and tried my internet connection again and it is WORKING!!!! It was Zone Alarm that was causing the problems. Eventhough I was not using it, must have put something in the register that was blocking my access to the net. I am so grateful for your...
The Old Man,
I had a look at the see if the firewall was enabled and it isn't. I also have installed Zone Alarm, but have not been using it. I was using it when the trouble started. That was a couple of months ago. I have just uninstalled it, but nothing working yet. When the trouble first...
First, thank you for taking some time to look at my questions Here is the info from ipconfig: C:\Documents and Settings\default>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : oemcomputer
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . ...
I'm using Internet Explorer 6 and a dial up server. Outlook express is my mail program. I can log on and am registered in the network but I can not surf. I can't send or recieve email either. The configuration for my server was verified to be correct by the staff. I'm not sure what else to...
I am having trouble with my laptop which is running with a dial up modem and xp pro. I can ping the loopback address ( but nothing else. Any ideas on how to correct problem would be appreciated.
K Johnson
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