Actually, depending on the data, it could have worked they way you origionally had it, except for one small issue. I have found this to be true myself when using date fields in SQL. When you do a compare with a string date, you have to surround it with single quotes (') or you do not get the...
Here. This should do it for you. It is a search routine that cuts the array in half each pass. It is very quick. It needs a sorted list however....
'This is driver stuff and just sets up the array
Dim arrTest()
ReDim arrTest(1)
For i = 1 To 200000
arrTest(i - 1) = "Test" & i...
You are correct. The Rich Text Control that ships with VB6 does NOT handle table information. It converts that information to tabular text. Why they did this I am not sure. It seems quite retarted to me.
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