Hi to all,
I have a form with two list boxes(miltiselect).
First box I want to allow user to select one or many offices, second box I want user to be able to select one or many job titles. My code below works ok when one selection of office and job title, but not working correctly when...
I hope I can explain. I am able to do the task assigned, but I have started to wonder if I am doing it right, is there a better way.
The profile(report) I create has many data parts. Of which come from many files. My link is the school district code, ie. Albany SD is code 010100. I...
%L1, %l2, etc... they are the field names from the original file. That's part of the question(s), what does set up properly mean? I have read the normalization paper, and many others, taken courses on it. Still not clear when you get a file from the state that has thousands of records...
Hey Ginger,
No it's not a one-shot deal, if I undersatand your statement. The user(s) will run the queries when ever they need a school district profile. The english and math is only a part of the whole profile.
The reason I have six tables for each test, the original data came in one table...
Hi to all,
I am working with student performance data by school district for grade 3-8. The data is both for English and math.
The data came to me in one complete table. I had to break it out by school district, type of test, english or math, and then by grade level. So I have 6 tables for...
Hi GingerR,
I have a table with 266 records. It contains data for school district teachers total experience and median salary for that experience level.
For example:
[School District] [Totexp] [Count] [Median]
Andes Central school 2 4 31750
Andes Central...
I need to find a way to create one record for many records for the same school district.
I have many records that I get from the state.
School district name and total experience and a salary for that exerience. 1 year of experience, count of 3 people,
salary of 32,000.
Here's the data...
Well said, by the way I really appreciate your help. I guess I'll just keep plugging away. I have started a 3-ring binder with code snip-ets and notes from lessons learned.
Thanks again,
Hey GingerR,
Thank you so much for your help! It worked out perfect, I can't believe it was right in front of me the whole time. Is there any reading, books, whatever, that you would recommend to read to get a better understanding of the syntax, and the whole process of how things tie...
Here's my code,
Private Sub OK_Click()
On Error GoTo err_preview_report_click
Dim title, wclause, RO_name, ro
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Dim varitm As Variant
Dim strlist As String
Dim strlsit2 As String
Set frm = Forms![frm_srp_sal_ro]
Set ctl = frm![Ro_list]
'Build my list of offices to...
I'm really stuck! And having a very hard time trying to explain it.
I have 12 reports, of which they are all different data items.
For instance: Account Clerk salary report, Clerk Salary Report, etc., 12 total different reports.
I have figured out how to allow the user to select one or...
I'll try to setup my question.
I have a form with a 2 listboxs(multiselect).
The first listbox I want to allow the user to select the report to run, 1 or up to 12 different reports.
The second list box I want to allow the user to select a office, 1 or up to 16.
The report source is a...
Sorry, it would help if I did ask a question.
I want to allow the user to select the office(s), one or many or all. Then allow them to run one report or many, or all the reports. The reports would be only for the offices selected and the reports selected.
The user has changed/added more items to what I thought was a completed item.
Here's the setup:
Form was designed to select a Office, using a listbox from a table.
Same form they added a listbox for jobtable, linked again to a table.
There is a seperate report for each job title, 12 in...
My fault for incorrectly posting, you are right I did say a report.
I think I'm on to something. I put in my query the form under criteria:Like [forms]![lookup]![sd_list] & "*",
I then have my source for the report point to the query. Seems to work, scary! It's nice to have such...
Hi Instructor,
Thanks for your help.
How do I link the mutli-list to the report? Before I went to a form and then the user could print the form.
Here was my code:
DocName = "studentpro"
LinkCriteria = "[DistName] = Forms![lookup]![Field1]"
Forms!lookup.Visible = False...
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