Create a function called Modline
Use this code which will give you alternate line coloring. [Change the 2 to a 3 for every third line etc.]
RecordNumber mod 2
Go to the details section in the report and then then format section option. Choose the Color TAB. Conditionally control this with...
Hi Tom
Taking your SQL Server down to do backups is not really appropriate or necessary.
I agree with the response you got indicating they use native SQL backups into a specified directory THEN use ArcServe to pick up these.
Try using this which seems to give the result you require as I understand it to be.
This gives the format "dd mmm yyyy"
See BOL under "Convert" for other formats you may require.
SELECT Convert(VarChar(12),YourDateField,106)
FROM YourTable
You can create third table with all the fields of both table included by using a SELECT INTO statement.
SELECT * INTO NewTableName
FROM Table1 t1 INNER JOIN Table2 t2
On t1.CommonField = t2.CommonField
This will also duplicate common fields but you can get around this by renaming them after...
Hi Folks
I have tried all the conventional means of shrinking a Database to reduce the database and Log size. Currently these are 102Mb and 38Mb respectively but use only about 20% of the file size for the DB and 5% for the Log.
The Truncate on Checkpoint option is turned on. There are NO...
HI there
Could be that MDAC2.6 does not like SQL2K or vice Versa. I used 2.5 and it installed just fine. If your app can do without 2.6 it it's worth a shot.
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