Hi - just wanted to thank you for your assistance. After many hours of wasted time came to find out that in Nov the co that writes the database did an update and changed the field in question, failed to notify users of the change. Spent 1.5 hrs on a webex with the report writer there and that is...
Morning - yes the database has been verified. On Crystal XI.
Here is the SQL query. I cannot see anything that would seems out of place, however, a 2nd set of eyes are always good. Thanks for your help.
I have a report that looks at the start and end dates of trip.
Calculates the # of days between them. The parameter for looking at the data is the start and end date. The date that the booking was made in not important for this report. For some reason the report no longer looks at any data...
Thanks for all the help especially with regards to the subreport. The manuals are not really that helpful. I will work on this over the week and let you know how is going.
Again, Thanks
The first group is by the destination name and each gets a subtotal on the report. The last line is the total for all the destinations. When I built the report I was not getting the totals and was told I had to do a running total. It is set up as follows:
Field to sum...
I have a report which is actually a summary only report.
There are 8 columns across the top. The report is showing destinations along the left side. Across we have:
fare comm upfrt rebate adj comm chk rebate net comm
gross comm % by location and last locations gross comm as a % of the total...
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