Hi Ken,
I don't know why but I've make some other test this morning with an other external phone number to acces my Octel and it's working.
Thank you very much for your help.
The number to go directly in my Octel are 4186534455 and as I know, it's not a forwarded number.
We also use 4186534431 (our main number). During the day, this number go to the front desk but during close hours, it is redirect to the Octel.
I have nothing in the acceptance tables.
I've made another test. When I go in the message system and that I enter my 10 digits number as MB, I'm redirect correctly to my real MB at 3 digit. The system see my alias as my MB correctly.
It's seem that the problem are between the caller...
Hi Ken,
Yes, I see the 10 digit number coming into Octel. It's look loke that:
Port: 1A CallType:4 caller:4186920147 callee: 702
When I look in menu 13-7, I don't see the bit 60 feature.
Hi Ken,
These two setting are set to Yes.
ANI Used for integretion : Y
Allow Variable-length addressing for integretion : Y
Any other idea ?
Do you think that I must restart my Octel after these change ?
With other answer on this forum. I made some tests.
I know that my octel system are receiving the ten digit calling number (with CDR utility) but alias don't seem to work. If I receive a voice message from an external caller, when I listen my message, I have only the information that the...
Thank's for the hint.
Another question; If the octel don't receive the Caller ID (I know that the PBX receive it) what I can do if I want that it receive it ?
I would to know if someone can answer to this question. We use a PBX DMID-NT Meridian 1 with Succesion 3 and an Octel 250 with Aria 03.10.09-1.
I would like to know if it's possible to an external caller who dial in our automatic answering number, that its caller ID are automaticaly...
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