I want to thank every individual who replied to my posts. I stumbled upon this web site and now keep it in my favorites. I'm not an amature to PCs but not a pro either. I think I will work on getting either the FX5700 ultra which will run 250 minimun and then if the speed needs it I will run...
My current Video Card is NVIDIA GeForce2 MX PCI. That is the card that I wish to replace. I read that Nvidia is a better card than ATI. I do not know how true this is? Last I could get a card then upgrade the PSU if needed. I forgot to list my Creative Live Sound Blaster Card which is also...
I am running a DVD rw, cdrw, Network Card and then my basic video card. I show my PF Usage at 314MB and my CPU usage @ 0-5% with and occasional spike to 19% unless updates are running with Norton. Mostly 0-4% for CPU.
Thanks for the data. I have a 250 watt PSU and according to what I found on the ATI9800 Pro AGP it requires 300 watts. Will the difference of 50 watts hurt my performance with the ATI9800 Pro AGP?
I was looking at upgrading my Dell Dimension 4400 video card. From what I have read that the Dell takes a AGP 4x card. I am running 64mb INVIDIA. Dell rep recommends me to upgrade to a FX5500 GForce PCI. I am running a 250mhz psu with a Pentium 4 process at 1/6ghz internally and 400 mhz...
I was looking at upgrading my Dell Dimension 4400 video card. From what I have read that the Dell takes a AGP 4x card. I am running 64mb INVIDIA. Dell rep recommends me to upgrade to a FX5500 GForce PCI. I am running a 250mhz psu with a Pentium 4 process at 1/6ghz internally and 400 mhz...
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