I was able to find that Cognos does have isnumeric
I created dataitem1 ISNUMBERIC([Credit Check Score])
I created a second dataitem to cast dateitem1 as a number
[dateitem1] = 1
cast([Credit Check Score],float)
I added a filter to find any records with a credit...
Does the function isnumeric exist in Cognos? I have a field of credit scores that are stored in the warehouse as charlength(16). There are all kinds of text within that field including spaces, dashes, symbol, and numbers but I need to able to filter for credit scores less than 700. Is this...
Cognos 8 Report Studio question -
I have data grouped by customer number and I am counting the number of contracts for that customer. I want to know if I can provide the user with a prompt where he can choose to display only those customers whose contract count is > 1 or display all customers...
That was the first thing I tried and it was not able to get it to work because it still sees the image in the section.
I checked off Suppress Blank Section on the Section Expert.
The image itself has code placed in the picture tab of the format editor to handle what image to print under...
Further expanding upon the answer to this thread on how to add a dynamic image to a Crystal report, can the section that the image is placed in be suppressed to not print the blank page when there is no image?
I have placed the image in a group header (org) and not every org...
Yes The license table contains License No which is string and also a LicKey which is numeric. The user will only know the license # to enter as a parameter. The lic key does not contain the same value as the Lic #.
I have a report in which the user enters a License Number. That lic number is a string field. The table I reference in my select statement does have a primary key but it is not the same number that the user is entering as the license number. The user will not know what the lickey number is but...
Parameters have been setup for Start and End Date for the user to enter the date as yyyy/mm/dd. The database field is actually a datetime field. I created a formula @trndate
converting the datetime to just a date thru this formula: date({APTRN.TRNDTTM}). My selection criteria is {@trndate}...
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