thanks again for the reply. I agree that this should also be rather simple. I do these things using MS Visual Basic all the time. Knowing how to integrate it within Actuate has been more of a challenge than I expected. I cannot verify that the value is passed. How can I do this...
Yes, you have it. My current approach was to use 3 separate report sections within a sequential section. One for each dropdown list (BSC) with its own data connection and SQL. My plan was that if I could capture the selection from the first list, I could use it to modify the...
Hi johinth,
Were you ever successful with this requirement? I am attempting to do similar functions. I do populate my BSC dropdown lists correctly. But I do not know how to capture the selected value from the 1st list and then use it to populate the 2nd list.
any feedback would be appreciated.
Was this sample code from Actuate really helpful. I don't think it goes far enough with what your requirement is. I have the same type of requirement. Dynamic dropdown lists could be used in many of our apps. I can also populate the lists from our database but cannot get the lists to be...
Have you had any success with the BSC_DropDownMenu yet? I am trying to do the EXACT same thing. I can correctly populate my drop down lists (from our database) that are presented for user selection. The twist is in capturing the selected value and using it to filter down the second...
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