We have a SQL Server 2000 Instance with two database which are exactly the same, one is a restored backup of the other. One of the tables has about 20000000 rows in it. When we run a query which does a count grouping by one of the indexed columns the restored database uses an index and...
You could also have a look at sp_makewebtask in the BOL. It probably doesn't do what you want but I've found it useful for creating status pages for data warehouse overnight tasks etc.
You can access the system tables directly by using sp_configure to set the option 'allow updates' to 1. However as far as I am aware you can't alter the structure of a system table so I guess that includes dropping the table.
Hope this helps
you could have a go with:
it's undocumented so be a bit careful with it.
there's also a pwdcompare function which allows you to compare plain-text with the encrypted passwords which you can include in a job to check no users have obvious passwords, and shout at them if...
You could use the decode function
I think the syntax is:
<use_if_none_match>) <column_alias>
from <table>
Hope this helps
We have a IDS 7.31 on an 8*731Mhz CPU Alpha. Everything runs quickly until a group by is added to the query. I know you'd expect the query to be slower but, it's about 50-100 times slower than other databases e.g SQL Server and MySQL with the same data and query running on Dual Pentium Pro...
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