I have had trouble dialing from the phonebook in 4.8, could the connection directory also be wrecking the environment?
Does anyone know how to implement an ftp without using the connection directory?
I have an aspect script that uses a procedure call to perform an ftp. Inside this proc I change modes to ftp (pwmode 1). After retirning from the procedure I try to get back to terminal mode with "pwmode 0" and "pwmode TERMINAL" to no avail. I've stepped through my script in...
No, I'm not doing anything to the file.
BUT, I'm not using a hex viewer, either. AHA! I just tried using WordPad and saw exactly what I was expecting.
Thanks a bunch!
Am I missing something with respect to Aspect's newilne? According to the help `r is newline and `n is carriage return, but these don't work either singly or in pairs for me. This makes my capture (which I use as log files) files unnecessarily hard to read. I've also tried ^M and ^J to no avail...
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