Sorry, I'm using v8.5. I can export to PDF using the Dev license, but not when in my app, even though my customer has a valid license for each user to run PDF Writer.
I have Adobe PDF Writer installed on every desktop. I'd like PDF to show-up for my users the way it does for me (since I have full blown Crystal Reports installed.)
I realize that they can choose PDF writer as a printer and do it that way, but the application that these reports are integrated...
What you're describing sounds like what the VSS designers intended. Double-click is just a short-cut for "Edit." (By the way, you can modify this using the Tools-Options General tab) No app should start when you choose Sourcesafe-Checkout from the menu.
A couple of options come to mind. The short answer to your question is "No." Here are some other options:
1. If the users can be trusted, just 'pin' the baselined version of the files. They will not be able to check-in/check-out the file and "Getting latest version" will...
has anyone found a cure or fix for this problem. I am having the same problem, and with all the hoop jumping came to the conclusion that the tape drive is less than desired. I thought I would try uninstalling all of the software and try reloading....did anyone have any success with this option....
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