Thank you, some more information
Current report:
GH1 Division
GH2 Department
GH3 Account
Detail account transactions
GH3 Sum of account transactions by account
Would like:
GF1 to also show sum of account transactions by account, by division
Can this be done in one...
Using Crystal 2008
I'm creating an Income Statement that list account balances by month. Account balances are a group based upon report details. Report groups are defined for accounts, departments, and divisions.
How can the accounts balances be presented on the face of the report BOTH by...
Crystal Version 11:
Is is possible for Crystal to issue a URL at runtime if a condition is met?
Example :
"" if Total Sales are > $1,000
Can a (database) command effect other joins in a report? I added a command to a report, and then other left outer joins in the report return no information.
The command is not the primary table of the report. Command is left outer -ed to the primary table.
The other left outer tables are not...
Yes, the structure of the table will change. The datasource builds the table based upon current data. If a certain field is present, a column is created for the field, if not, no column. The report needs the field if it exists. But, a report user is not available to attend to a 'verify database'...
A specific data column in my source of data may or may not appear in the database when a Crystal report (v11) needs to run.
Is it possible to create a formula to use a field ONLY if the field really exists.
The database will not contain a column of nulls for the specific field, the column...
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