Thanks for your thoughts. I tryed your suggestions but to no help. Yes, there is probably a table set up problem- back to basics. So I started fresh and created 3 tables and a form that duplicates the problem:
T_Master, T_Child and T_Sum;
with form XF_ComboBox.
T_master and T_Child are...
Hi TheAceMan1-
For the child combo:
1. Name property: cboDepositNumber
2. RowSource property:
WHERE (((L_RR.RR_ID)=Forms!F_DepositSlip!cboRentRollMonth));
3. code in the...
Hi all-
I have a violate ref integrity error 3201 on form with 2 combo boxes bound to 2 separate tables. When I enter a Not On List values the "master" combo box works fine but the "child" gives errors.
I am using Aceman NotOnList function.
Any help appreceated
There were no responses to this “simple” issue so after a great deal of research and connecting the dots I wanted to let the next novice get a head start. First you must realize that the microsoft documenation is not to be trusted it is just plain wrong on some topics. I have spent days going...
hello everyone-
How does one go about synchronizing replicated databases on a Virtual Private Network (VPN). I have a master/ server computer connected to 3 off site computers with replicated databases. The Db has a front end and a back end.
In similar fashion how do yoiu go about...
deep inside the belly of father microsoft is a set of maxums know only to the enlightened gurus.....
as for Display When was set to Always which of course means sometimes/ depending and at father microsofts whim
To close this thread---
when Icreated report using Save As the subform still did not print preview or print. So I took the subform and saved it as a Report and added the fields from the main form/ report to it.
This worked-- why is anyones guess but at least this is closed
Thank you for your help. I researched this before and could not find the 2 references you provided. They were very usefull. It seems this problem has plagued users with no solution for many years. Well I guess as you noted the "solution" has been to generate a Report.
As far as the first...
Another comment-- if I open the subform by itself I can do a print preview. Of course it lacks the 2 combo boxes that are on the main form. For some reason the sub form is not avialable in print preview mode. Hope this helps get to a solution.
As far as using a Report for Printing---I can't get the positioning control in a report I have with a form. The users are also familiar with the form not some new report- but thanks for the suggestion.
I Have a form with 2 combo boxes and a subform. The combo boxes determine what is dispalyed in subform. When I print preview the combo boxes and their values are displayed but there is no subform.
How can I get the subform toappear from hidding. Your help greatly appreciated.
Hi -
Can't quite get a combo box drop down liast to sort in the order I want. Help appreciated a bunch.
I have a combo box on a form whose row source is a table L_RR bound to column 1. The combo box has the follwong format properties
Column Count 3
Column Widths 0"; 1"; 0"
The table...
during trouble shooting I have gone thru several interations the correct code is-
Select query
Sorry. Column 1 is the 1st field (M_RRoll.RRollSites__IDs) and column 2 is 2nd (M_RRoll.RRollRR_IDs). They are selected on form F_RRoll.
Need any additional info? Thanks for your resposne!
Hi -
I can't figure out how to procced--- help please.
I want to select some records drom a table (based on col 1 being equal t 1 and column 2 being equal to 12 for example). I would like to then change column 2 to( to 56 for example) and append the new records to the original table.
I have...
my main form & Sub form each have a Detail Line - I tried
Force New Page =Before & After Section to no avial. Any other properties that may be causing the subforem to remain invisible??
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