I'm trying to determine which services are currently running on a BCM400 via SSH. I'd like to save the list of services to something a little easier to read. When I SSH into the BCM and select <Diagnostics> and <Services> from the menu, I name the file and I'm told that it has been saved. Here's...
Has anyone found a way to view the logs on a V3.6 BCM? When I click on the "Browse Logs Folder" I get a broken URL. When my support company spoke to Nortel about it the answer that they gave me was that Nortel has decided that those logs are for Nortel techs only and of no use to the admins...
Hi mrmarshall
I wish!!
We talked about that, and really liked the idea. However, at this point, we don't have wireless in the building yet. To be honest, our building is small enough that we really don't need it. We have 50 users and 105 active jacks so we really can't justify going to the...
In case anyone else goes down this road...
It turns out that we cannot use the T7406 phone with this BCM because there is no digital card installed. All of the phones are either IP sets or softphones so, without digital sets in use, a digital card was not installed. If anyone knows of an IP...
I suspected that might be the case. Given that all of our phones are IP based I presumed that I couldn't just connect it to one of my Baystacks and have all be well. I'll take another look for where/how my digital ports are configured and go from there.
We're running a BCM400 V3.6 in one location. Most of the staff are running i2050's with a smattering of i2002 and i2004 IP sets. A few general 900MHz cordless sets were connected to the analog lines just to provide a bit of portability. We're at a point now of replacing dying cordless handsets...
When I create Word template and macro program inside it, this macro program is copied in each new document created from this template. How to avoid this copying of my macro in new document?
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