Sorry, tried it.
Still no pic but uploaded thank you message to you ;-)
Any other ideas?
#upload picture
if ($image ne ""){
$image =~ m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/;
$temp = $2;
$temp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$temp =~ s/%20//gi...
Hi Prex1
So it should read:
#upload picture
if ($image ne ""){
$image =~ m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/;
$temp = $2;
$temp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$temp =~ s/%20//gi;
open(binmode LOCAL;">/var/www/html/cv/$username/$temp");
while (<$image>) {
print LOCAL $_;
Thanks for replying
Unfortunately the guy who designed the script is no longer available so I can't ask him for help. I know only a little about cgi, am flying by the seat of my pants!
The script creates files and directories, it just doesn't upload the image, the rest of the resume is fine...
Hi. I recently changed hosts and now my script (for resumes) only partly works. It will upload the typed info but not the images.
Am quietly going insane. Can anyone help?
Have tried every CHMOD under the sun and have fiddled with path ways but to no avail. I am sure it’s simple because it...
Hi. I recently changed hosts and now my script (for resumes) only partly works. It will upload the typed info but not the images.
Am quietly going insane. Can anyone help?
Have tried every CHMOD under the sun and have fiddled with path ways but to no avail. I am sure it’s simple because it...
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