In the following snippet
option explicit
dim i: i=5
dim f: f=inputbox ("","",0)
msgbox "f=" & f & " i="& i & " f<i is " & (f<i) & " f<5 is " & (F<5)
Why f<i is always False, no matter which value i enter?
PHV: You pointed me to the online version of the chm file i have. It says nothing about ranges, so i must suppose they are not possible in VBS.
K0b3: This is the solution i used....
Thanks all!
I'm used to do in other basics (Quick Basic, FreeBasic, Powerbasic)
select case i
case 0 TO 20: ....
case 21 TO 30:....
case else
end select
VBS issues an error when it finds the first TO. What's the correct syntax?
FreeBASIC - as the name suggests - is a free, open-source, Win32-bit, MS-QuickBASIC's syntax-compatible compiler, that adds new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, inline-assembly and many others.
No graphics keywords at the moment, but can link to Mingw C librairies. So TinyPTC...
You are interfacing windows programs, so why don't you switch to Visual Basic Script?
No memory problems, you can START whatever you want, even interface with a batch file if you need to do it..
The syntax is not so different from QB, and you have it in every version of windows from W98 (you can...
If I copy your code from the forum, paste it to W2000 wordpad, save it with .bas extension and open it with QBN45, everything shows ok.
Are you sure you have not introduced any char >128? The forum would probably filter it. Maybe you could copy and paste the missing part from your own post :D
Glad to meet you, Toshi!
And to complete the information:
To use a soundcard from a DOS program in Windows 2000 or XP is not possible, unless you install VDMSound. This thing emulates the API of a SoundBlaster 16 in any soundcard that's currently working with Windows Media.
Unfortunately there is no pure QB way of playing a waw IN THE BACKGROUND.
Qbasicking code will work as long as you dont ask QB to do other things as draw tiles, move sprites and read keyboard. And even if the code is tweaked to match your sample it may not work ok in all computers.
To work OK...
Screen 12 is the slowest of all VGA modes, because every pixel must be divided in it's primary colors and each color must be written to the appropiate pixel plane.
Rapid writes to screen 12 must be done by using the VGA logic, by filing masks and latches and other weird things.
This online...
Do you mean QB 45 Manual?No, I do not have it....:D
Ethan Winer's book is the best advanced programming tutorial
but it does'nt have a word about graphics...
When trying to run the examples from a package i have downloaded i have the error
[Fatal Error] Required package 'direct50' not found
According to inline help, the program needs a direct50.dcp file. I have a direct50.bpl in the delphi\bin directory, it's part of Delphi 5, it can be found in...
I have some programming experience but I just started with Delphi 5 Standard. My OS is Windows 2000 Professional
I'm trying to run Dejan Crnila's ComPort library V2.61 examples.
The package has installed correctly but two of the examples refuse to compile, they give the error:
[Fatal Error]...
You are ANDing the bits of QBMatrix(29) and special%
Qbmatrix(29)=6 that's 110
special=1 that's 001
001 and 110 = 000
First of all you should be aware of this source:
You can learn many things from it.
You should create an offscreen buffer to avoid flickering.
Well, your question makes me think you are drawing non-textured walls. If you were using thextured walls you would...
No complicated math, just a way of building Erathostenes sieve without actually saving it. I keep a priority queue of prime multiples, which I increment by just adding the prime. All gaps the sequence leaves are primes. I't an old method, I think it is in Knuth's "Art of Computer...
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