I have a SQL Server 2000 sp 3a server and recieved this error on a transaction log restore. Any ideas on what caused this?
Executed as user: USTRESCHIRES1\SQLDBADMIN. Processed 30488 pages for
database 'dlsn1_tilt', file 'TILT_Log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000]
(Message 4035) Deleting...
I am setting up the permissions for a Production Support staff to be able to monitor SQL Agent tasks, what do they need permission to to have the status field updated in EM?
Jim Lepp
This morning when I was trying to view all of the scheduled jobs on a SQL Server 7.0 box via Enterprise Manager I recieved this error
Error 22023: SQLServerAgent eceeded the allowed timeout for creating the shared job list. The jobs cannot be enumerated.
After bouncing the SQL Server Agent...
Thank you for your responses, it seems that I confused some people either by not fully explaining myself or by only using snipits of code. What I am trying to do is in transact SQL, and it is being done to reduce the amount of typing needed to make proper system outputs. Let's say that you want...
Does anyone know how to use paramters in a select statement. I thought is was something like this
SELECT 'Drive %s has %d space free', @drive_letter, @space_free
but all i get back is
Drive %s has %d space free C 2000
what I want is
Drive C has 2000 space free
Thanks for your...
Unfortunately, SQL Server does not understand those nice little shortcuts that we all picked up from other languages ( the ones I miss the most are "++" and "--" ). Try, this it should work for you. Also, remember, any value added, subtracted, mutliplied etc.... to a null...
For a specific job that logs onto another server I get the error
Executed as user: USTRESACC\cccsqladmin. Login failed for user 'USTRESACC\cccsqladmin'. [SQLSTATE 28000] (Error 18456). The step failed.
which means I need to change who the SQL Agent is running under, but I can't, seems that...
the procedure you need is sp_addlinkedserver take a look for it in BOL to see how it works, also, you would will refer to the linked tables as server_name.database_name.dbo.table_name. One piece of advice, have all your remote servers statrup under the same account on the same domain.
Yes, we alow our production support team to use enterprise manager to monitor over the SQL Seerver. Since they need ore permissions than just datareader we had to create them a specal group. But, db_datareader will only allow for the user to select data in enterprise manager, the user will not...
Not to be insulting, but couldn't you use a char or a varchar datatypes if you would like to hold just the time values? this way you could store it any way you prefer and still be able to concatinate it with the current date.
Now, from my experiances in manufacturing and dealing with building...
You can set the maximum amount of memory that SQL Server can use by right clicking on the server in EM and then selecting properties, and the memory tab.
jimmY [cheers]
I am trying to pull data from a remote SQL Server database on a regular schedue. When I run the procedure in QA it work great, when I try and run the job from a scheduled task it fails with this error :
Msg 18456, Sev 14: Login failed for user '\'. [SQLSTATE 28000]
Seems like SQL Agent...
currently we are using robocopy, which and the syntax would be
robocopy v:\mssql\source f:\mssql\destination db_backup.bak
where v is a permenantly mapped drive.
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