You are specifying something on your command line that the compiler doesn't like.
Then it is taking one of your incorrectly specified options as your file name and trying to compile that instead of you .C file.
Could you Post the command line you are using to build your module?
There is a program in the CLI Installation called BLOBSRVR.
The Sourece code ias in the sample directory.
Basically it creates a table
filename char(30)
partno integer
data varchar(32000) (or 64000)
then it basically takes you graphic and breaks it up into...
Can you post your queries? maybe you can simply UNION your 2 queries together.
insert into mytable
( select * from evens
union all
select * from odds
) ;
The ALL on the union tells it not to eliminate duplicates. Since I know the tables don't overlap I can...
you use Double OR Bars
to do concat..
This is the same as the 'C' Language Logical OR Operator.
sel 'Test Text ' || MyFieldName as mytext
from MyTable;
Make sure to add proper spacing. Without it it all runs together.
sel 'This' || 'is' || 'a' || 'test.' as...
With teradata you want to do everything in SETS. Here I
populate a table with 10 rows
create a table with 1 million rows by a cartesion product of the first table and your constants.
ct numbers, no fallback ( k integer )
unique primary index(k);
insert into numbers...
I found the FAQ for listing which modules are installed on my system....
What modules do I have installed?
Posted: 3 Feb 05
and using this method I can display all the modules on the system.
However since that does a directory walk, there is no VERSION information.
Write the Contents of the directory to a CDROM and put in your Desk. Then Delete the Directory.
When you want to see the files, remount the CD.
Sorry UNIX DIrectory/File permissions are very limited.
Maybe there is an encryption package that you can use to Encrypt the whole directory and...
Because your variable
translates to UNDEFINED because $1 doesn't match any of your %translates Keys .
Your Input
is translated to
by the tr/atcg/uagc/
And uac doesn't have a translation.
1.85460621446000E 007
is really
and this won't fit in a ( 9,4 field )
you need to make it a 13,4 field to accomedate this number.
Sum(zeroifnull(field1)) (Decimal (13,4))(CHAR(20))
or something like that
We don't have recursive Triggers. WEll maybe in 6.x now I forget. The best you can do is create a LOG TABLE to record who is making the change.
Why not simply use the Variable
when inserting the row?
update blort
set myuser = user...
you must run REBUILD from DBW/cnstool. It doesn't run from the cmd prompt.
Its a DEMO.... Unistall it and Reinstall it. Make sure to answer Yes to do you want to remove the TDCONFIG dirrectory.
Its not like there is any DATA out there that you can't get back from simply re...
There is no ANSI requirement that IDENTITY be Contigous numbers just that they be UNIQUE across the whole table.
So which do you want a UNIQUE IDENTITY COLUMN ( which is implmeneted in v2r6 ) or an AUTO INCREMENT column...
This worked for me....
echo "sel * from dbc.dbcinfo;" | bteq "logon copid/user,password"
I guess you could substitute
"call sp1;"
"sel * from dbc.dbcinfo;"
.run file = fileid is BTEQ.
Start fastload in interactive mode and type
it shows the command....
RUN fileid ;
therefore try
RUN cmplogon;
and see if that works.
Why does it have to be SED? Is this a home work assignment? Tek-Tips frowns on asking for help on Home work Assignments.
Will there always be 2 strings followed by the 6 NULL fields.? a,b,,,,,, or could there be othe caase like....
a,,,d,,, or a,b,c,d,,,,
I mean could you simply...
No. Macros are automatically fully qualified before they are stored
if you are default database John and execute
create macro m1 as ( sel * from t2 ; );
the Macro is expanded to
create macro john.m1 as ( sel * from john.t2 ; );
before it is stored. therefore no matter who...
Isn't the Teradata.Jar on the DEMO CD?
Under the TTU 7.0 Installation portion.
If not contact me at....
you might have to register with Teradata.Com
I did a man date on my solaris 9 box and it says
FSF Last change: GNU Shell Utilities
It supports the -d option, but I can't find where it is installed on our server.
/usr/bin/date doesn't support it as you pointed out.
Maybe you can find the GNU shell utilities...
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