Ok, what about a disappearing command button? On one of my forms, whenever you input the same data into one record as you have for another (not an indexed field, it just lets you know that two records have similar info), a list box appears to let you know which records they are. To keep it...
I am not even sure how to explain this, but I will try.
At the end of each week I have to send to each individual customer, a list of all the requisitions that they ordered for the entire week. This list provides the customer with Req. #, Material ID info, Quantity, and the latest status...
I have been trying to use the TransferSpreadsheet in a macro, but it won't do it. I keep getting an error message saying "System Resource Needed." Any idea what that means? I also tried to use the TransferText method, but it keeps telling me I don't have permissions to read the...
Right now, the only way I can get this to work is creat a form and make subforms with all the different Queries, but I have to type in the same dates 10 times.
I take that back. What I was going to do won't work either. The thing is, I have a table that lists aircraft parts. The fields involved are [JD T/I] which is the date I received the part, [JC JD] which is the date the part was repaired, and [Status] which is the type of repair that was done...
Is there a way to display the information that the user has to enter to get results from a query onto a form or report?
Huh?!?! I mean, say I have a query that asks you to type in a date ('Between [Date] and [Date]'). Is there a way to have those entries displayed on the form or report that...
Not quite what I wanted, but thanks. What I need is ten different sets of results for each status. Actually, I am nuking this. I just realized that what I am doing is actually a pretty easy thing. Thanks though. I appreciate it.
Alright, I have ten different queries. Here is the SQL for one of them.
WHERE ((([DCU LOG].[JD T/I]) Between...
Right now, everyone that uses this program uses the same UserID, but I think only two or three people use that specific form. I guess I could give them there own UserID. We need to all be able to use it at the same time. How would I capture their UserID's and format the report to do that?
I have a form that is used to edit and print out records. To print a record, you have tag a check box so that when you print, it will only print the records that are tagged. If two people are using it, then it will print the records that both people have selected. How can I set it up that both...
We use a Julian Date for just about everything where I work. How can I format the date for this? For example, a Julian date for March 16th, 2001 would look like: 01075.
01 being the year.
075 being the day of the year.
I feel a little stupid with this one, but I have tried just about everything I know (which isn't much), and I cannot get this to work the way I want it to. I have a form:
1348-1 which is based on a query: Q-1348-1. The query is getting information from three different tables: DCU Log, ICRL-1...
You are right. Q-ICRL is a query not a table. Sorry about that. You are correct also about adding information. I don't want users to be able to change existing part numbers, but I do want them to be able to add new ones.
Well, the form is for a shipping document. I have for example, two fields (Document Number and Part Number), Three tables: 1. (DCU Log) A log with all of our Document Numbers, with fields part number and serial number.
2. (1348-1AS1) The table for the shipping documents. (Also the form name.)...
On my form, I have several fields that are updated automatically with fields from two other tables by using Dlookup in the control source of the fields in the form. The problem is, when a null value is returned to these fields, I need to be able to manually input the information, but I can't do...
FYI. I don't know if your scanners will do the same, I am using Barcode39 right now and it took me awhile to figure it out, but our scanners can't read just the barcode, because it reads it with "*" on each end of the info line. If you experience any problems with reading the...
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