Thanks cobaboy for helping . Here is what i get when i click on the button :
it cicked on retry and one more time i got the same massage and after that nothing happend!!
well the strange part is that it worked 2 times and after that never worked!! coaboy i usually download things with no probem i have some 3th party applications that they do exactly like this with out any problem so firewall is not the problem!
It looks like the pic once i click nothing happens no error for a long time untill i stop or close it !!
comaboy thank u for introducing me to this too. could u give on some guides on how to use it . thanks
Harly thank u for u reply. i only changed the code of hypetia so that it downloads my file in a remote server. It only worked once but the .rar file was corupted!The rest of the time did not work!The window and prograss bar does not change!. i keep checking the location of c:\ for the file but i...
Hi all .
I tried the following code to pass the 2 char values that i want to post to my php file. I used a php script that normally writes post request to mysql db but in this case it creates a record for both data but no data in. I checked using form post and it worked whell but not in...
Many thanks irudebwoy . could u tell me what file should i look for inside my apache webserver and where should i place the above code ? Furthermorem, which part of code deals with permessions and does this code allow me to view the content of the virtual forlder ?Thanks
Hi all installed apachee in my c drive under c:\webserver\apache\ and my public directory where i put my html files are located at c:\webserver\public\
I got a huge list of files outside the webserver directory and it is located at c:\folder\filename\myfiles . I wonder how i can make my website...
petial thank u for pointing me to that nice code of u. But unfortuently i could not run it. I tried it on downloading a winrar file once i click nothing happens and the file could not get dowloaded. Could u tell me what i am doing wrong.I put all the controles and components right but still no...
Thank u for u nice code. But i get syntax error at :
Put #iFile, bytData()
Furthermore, how i can open the file after complete and how i can add prograss bar that shows number of bytes transfred ?I be happy if show me how.Thanks
Hi all could any one show me how i can use Inet1.OpenURL to download a file from a either ftp or webserver and save it in harddrive. I mainly care about .rar file and .exe files.Thanks
Thank u all for u replies. I have the follwing information about one of the functions . How i can use this function from with in my program? Which part is the function signature as u mentioned? May i know what is the format of function signature should be ?Thanks
211 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 156, 166...
Strongm yes i used to get the caption too. The caption is readable and it it in the top of the list view but when i run it nothing happens .i replaced caption with the form's cpation that contains the listview but did not work!!
strong thank u for u code. Well actually i could not make it work for my external listniew !!:-(. I used the window grabber program to get the class and some info about my externial window but no luck!
hi all i got a file called Dialog_122.rc and it has the code below . I wonder how i can use it with my visual studio 6 project? I be happy if some one tell me how i can use it .When i just open it in visual studio 6 i get error:
STYLE DS_SETFONT ==>error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name...
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