Well, as of today, I just restarted the desktop as usual and turned by to working on stuff in my laptop. Then, when I glanced back to the desktop, I saw it loading up windows. Wohooo. I don't know what fixed it. Maybe a combination of things, but I'm just glad it's working now. Still afraid...
Thanks Dixib and Josh... I will try removing the mouse first before actually doing the CMOS reset.
By the way, does it actually still take a number of reboots after unplugging the mouse to finally load up? Also, my computer is only capable of using a USB keyboard (I may have fried my PS2 port)...
My desktop just freezes on the HP logo right when I turn on the computer. I tried already several ways to fix it but none worked. Do you have any other tips please? Thanks.
Here's a list of what I did (that didn't work):
1. I did a cold boot on the computer.
2. I unplugged the adapters and...
Ok, already described my problem on the title. My desktop just freezes on the HP logo right when I turn on the computer. I tried already several ways to fix it but none worked. Do you have any other tips please? Thanks.
Here's a list of what I did (that didn't work):
1. I did a cold boot on...
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