well all he told me when i asked what ip it gave him was that it would do me no good because they reset the ip addresses every 28 days for everyone they give service to.... so i hung up as soon as he said that knowing i was talkingtoomeone with less knowledge than me about all this and asked...
tlc i did what you said and it did not get an ip address and still could not repair it..... ipconfig gives me
subnet mask .....
no my dsl doesnt require a user name and password and yes the guy that came over to try to fix it that works for the internet provider got his laptop to connect right off the bat..... i talked to netins over the phone and they tried the command ipconfig ...all that and nothing but the same...
ok to start things off i have an HP desktop and windows xp. now i have already reinstalled windows for other reasons. problem i am haveing is with the internet not connecting. i ave talked to netins over the phone and they have sent somone to my house also and their conclusion was to go buy a...
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