We got a more recent version running on windows 2008 R2, but mimsx is still 32 bit. If running with Office (excel) you will need the 32 bit version , or it wont work.
You could ask Ventyx for a more recent middleware, and it may work ..
Out of the box, only MSF010, MSF081, MSF025 are available for Multi-language. There is multi-column functionality, where we were able to add secondary item descriptions etc.
Review online is stored in MSF086 and subtables.
When Batch programs run MSSPRT will write directly to those tables. No Copy is ever stored on disk.
If P or F Then a file is created and can be saved to OLDRPT
If I (well you wont have R), can be saved in OLDRPT.
From what you have said it appears to be only batch programs that are failing. At Oracle Oracle chnaged the format of their username (max len 30).
You can request a fix (msgdbswsw.ins I think) from Mincom.
I found that mincomcm has defined in the syscfg.xml file,
but alas since that is common per machine all environments will use it.
If you dont use eac much, I guess there would be no problem having the code owned by different users, and removing the group access for prod.
There is also the...
I believe this is an issue witrh the Net Express runitme rather than CICS.
Playing with other cobol complers like visual cobol, showed that it worked fine.
I also tried modifying the COBSW but found that some of this switches dont work in windows environments.
Are any of your components msq files or paradox files
on a network share?
Sometimes the time to validate access to your domain server or the actual time to load the msq could be causing your delay.
Ssince we use to run a Tuxedo version, surely a Weblogic version is not to far away.
Maybe Mincom's options will change in the future with both IBM's WebSphere and BEA's Weblogic being available.
ALthough I expect a release of a Weblogic version maybe some time off.
The functionality is not the same. The Web verison does not contain the Drag and drop cabability of the GUI (Winview - I think Mincom calls it).
The GUI generally is for the more "power" users.
The information is available in the Microfocus manuals.
I found a link on the internet for you
I believe you are looking for
s Sort Memory Specifies the amount of memory used as internal workspace when performing a...
Mincom has told me that they will support LADP, with TXSeries 5 ( but requires patches/new PTF from IBM),
in an up coming Ellipse release.
So I guess the news is that it will not be backfitted to TP.
You didnt mention if you were TP or Tuxedo,
Also are you or
Anyway MIMS runs with Solaris 2.8,
I know of a large site in the USA which has at least three "out sourced" systems running this combination.
I have heard that the US MAC, has some requirements that added enhancements to Ellipse user secuirty.
A new flag in the system control called Advance User Secuity (AUS).
Some item include
- storing password history
- stricter password makeup
- changes to encryption algorithm
also our...
Things I would check for a start include
- making sure your install is locally not on a file server.
- if using multiple protocols eg Novel, TCPIP Make sure TCPIP is higher in the lookup stack.
- I would suggest using published apps and not desktop.
- Also try to manage(load balance?)...
The tuxedo WSL will listen on a designated port of connection request. Once it receives a connection request it spawns the user off onto a WSH. By default the WSH will try to use a random port between 2048 and 65535.
You will run into problems if the high port ranges are blocked by a firewall...
Tuxedo actually actually switches you port from your WSl to something high up like around 5280?
You can specifiy this vsalue by entering some parameter to WSL in the UBB.
Sorry so vague it has been a while.
Quicker still, copy
msyg0250.dll and msyg0260.dll
from your bin directory to your windows\system32 dir
The regsvr32 c:\winnt\system32\msyg0250.dll &
regsvr32 c:\winnt\system32\msyg0260.dll
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