...variables as below and create another dataset which will enlist the differences if any in those two files.
data differ;
set merged_ds;
if strip(txt_1) ne strip(txt_2) then output;
Hope this will help you.
This is simple Use INTNX() function.
The syntax would look like this:
strt_date = INTNX('month',logged_date,0,'B');
You can visit https://sites.google.com/site/sasbuddy/sas-date-function-intnx-with-example
for further reference
As per my knowledge one can use Camel case naming convention in SAS.
however while recognizing SAS doesn't care about the case of the variable names.
You can follow the link
...Datastep 1
Proc Print 1
Data step 2
Proc Print 2
%mend process_data
%macro calling_macro;
%do %from %i = 1 %to 10000;
%process_data(&i) /* here the value of i will be passed to the macro process_data which will be captured in another macro variable called cnt */
Dear dearsamuna,
Please look at the code I have provided at your other query regarding the same question.
I am sure it will work; and all the best.
...10-2zzz-411 48765 02/22/1954 763542317
10-3xxx-003 48746 05/21/1987 883736335
data temp (drop = cnt prefx);
set temp;
do while cnt lt 5; /* You can change this limit as per requirement */
prefx = input(substr(SampleId, 1,2), best12.) + 10 ;
/* Above step will extract the first two...
It seems there no direct solution to this problem as your priname variable is of variable length.
I suggest you to go back to the source program which generates your data file.
If it is getting generated out of some DBMS, its easy to insert a proper delimiting character between two...
I am not clear on the last part you have mentioned " The other reason it is wrong is because if procedure 2 and 3 are in the same episode then the "is blank" needs to address that epi3 should be "2" and not "1". "
But for converting adding time into date; I can say the following.
You have...
I am not exactly clear with the requiremnt;
But hopefully it would work fine using call symput instead of using %let in macro code.
I would suggest use a data _NULL_ statement inside that use call symput plain scan function.
It seems you are in some sort of confusion.
Updateing a master dataset using a another dataset and Joining two datasets are completely distinct operations.
In addition to that the code you have used do cater to any of those requirements.
1. for updating a master dataset using anohter...
Are you sure you have the dataset called "AdmitDate" at your work library and Do you want to read the data from that Dataset?
If yes then please change the order of input and set statement.
...= (select prov.pfstnam where mbrs.pcpno = prov.provno ),
slmbrs.pcplastname = (select prov.plstnam where mbrs.pcpno = prov.provno );
However my suggestion would be as this is query is using multiple joins;
it better...
Refer the following program, for desired output.
data t;
input X Y $;
1 A
1 A
1 A
1 D
1 J
2 B
2 B
2 D
2 C
2 C
3 A
3 D
4 A
4 B
4 D
4 C
4 D
4 R
4 R
proc sort data =t;
by X;
data t (drop=flag);
set t;
retain flag 0;
by x;
if first.x...
Hi Katrin
IF you observe the PROC CONTENTS output; you can see that AdmitDate variable has got format datetime22.3 while HospDischDate havent got any format.
But I dont see any reason which would create problem in any kind of calculations.
Suppose you want to get difference between Hospital...
There could be multiple ways to do it.
Considering the input variable is in character format then you can use following expressions
tm = timepart(dhms(00,substr(time,1,2),substr(time,3,2),00));
put tm =time8.;
As per as my knowledge is concerned; I can give you my opinions as folllows,
About handling large volume of data - this capability depends on the background infrastructure i.e. work space server where SAS EG runs the code. It depends on the capacity of CPU and memory provided on that...
if your input data is like '310117' and if you read it using yymmdd6. format with YEARCUTOFF = 1920. then It will give the date as 1931-01-17 and if you have '130117' as source data then the output with above code is 2013-01-17.
The way YEARCUTOFF option works is like; it takes next 100...
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