This would occur ONLY on Sunday and Monday night when the backup ran. The rest of the week it would work fine.
The gist of this is that windows backup was claiming that it could not write to a disk because my registry had a problem with some kind of permission. If that does not make sense well...
the sendmouse command worked and the computer woke up properly this morning.
the next step was to add a program that starts automatically after the computer is turned on or logged out and back in again.
however because this is an app from the microsoft store it is not intuitive.
the more...
you may have run in to an issue that has plagued windows from the beginning of time.
shlemiel the painter
windows explorer cannot handle accessing a folder that contains more than a certain number of files. I don't remember how many, but it is MORE than 65000.
I ran in to this during the...
Recently I needed to put a computer to sleep and wake it up in the morning at a specific time, while keeping it logged in. Simple right? WRONG! The computer also had to be logged in.
First these instructions will not be detailed step by step (google it) and are not in the order I tried them...
As is my custom, I spend hours or days trying to fix an issue, post on a forum and promptly fix it my self.
I uninstalled Edge then went and looked in the folders left behind. In the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge I found a zero length file called temp with no security on...
I also found this folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Download\{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}
populated with install files for every version of edge from 88.0.705.81 to 112.0.1722.68 139 of them.
Windows 10 22H2 on a windows 2008 domain
I have edge Version 88.0.705.81 (Official build) (64-bit)
when I go in to about and edge tries to update I get this:
An error occurred while checking for updates: Check whether you have free disk space and permission to install software. We couldn't...
recently I had some strange issues crop up that made no sense, and if they generated errors at all they also did not make sense.
First was this one:
the next one happened this morning. I was making a backup to blu-ray (which worked...
and to complete the solution that was also plaguing my synology, I excluded wolf security from scanning my synology shares (which had been disabled for the qnap).
now FINALLY everything is fast all the time.
as often happens when I have been trying to fix an issue for a long time, I sometimes stumble on the solution but not by searching for the symptoms.
this is the fix
Windows 10 21h2
nero 10
problem started sometime after 9-23-2022 (last time I burned disks).
same Bluray/DVD/CD burner.
same media I have always used.
windows reads all media just fine.
windows shows disk changes.
windows shows when disks are blank.
connect an external burner and same issue...
no my issue was with copying from windows 10 to a NAS and only a NAS.
so something weird happened. I read your thread and someone mentioned creating a new profile. well I would only do that if it was really necessary. my profile is HIGHLY modified.
so I logged in as my wife...
well that's not going to happen. it takes me 2 straight days to get my computer to a point I consider it usable when I have had to wipe it, or get a new one.
previously discussed
new information:
still atrociously slow file transfers from W10 with any small files to my qnap or synology.
Synology seems to be slightly faster but still absurdly slow.
Several months ago I installed an app on my...
another update.
woke up this morning, went to access my qnap and red X's on the drives. WTF?
go in to qnap (synology was fine) and it lost it's connection to the domain.
go in to my DC and it shows last contact was 9-13-2022.
rejoin the qnap to the domain and re-add users to the shares, and...
I made some possible progress, though more testing needs to be done.
I have a qnap and a synology NAS. The qnap had a bunch of thumbs.db's that seem to have been inaccessible. I had to use the qnap file manager to find and delete them. but windows was not creating new thumbs. I found info on...
Thank you, I have tried disabling my AV and excluding network folders and drives. Did not make a difference.
Tried monitoring network performance. nothing unusual.
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