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Search results for query: *

  1. RushiShroff

    want to use LIKE operator

    I have in my tabe 10 column out of which in one column there is city field. I want to use filter using LIKE operator with the city field.City contains Mumbai, Mum-21 etc.I want to use "select * from table where city LIKE MUM %" SO that all city records starting with MUM will be displayed. This...
  2. RushiShroff

    How to remove virus infected files ?

    We have 4 machines in LAN. After runing Norten Antivirus on one machine which was connected to internet. Scaning was going on & we disconnected net in between. Antivirus started scaning virus in other machines also. It was going on giving error that virus....detected & repaired sucessfully...
  3. RushiShroff

    Printing Labels on a Report....

    I am printing 12 labels(6 X 2) on my label sheet. (4" X 2 ")inches. I am using reports to generate 2 verticle columns but my problem is label sheet is not fitting into the specified page size in page set of reports.Neither font nor row spacing matches with the size of label paper...
  4. RushiShroff

    where can i get com/dcom program?

    http://www.develop.com/devresources/tutorials.aspx Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com "Life is beautiful."
  5. RushiShroff

    Datagrid problems

    Please it is urgent !! Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com "Life is beautiful."
  6. RushiShroff

    Datagrid problems

    Hi all, I have the following probs with datagrid.. 1> Once the height is set, I cant change it and at the same time my records are being added. So how to vary the height of the datagrid as recs keeps on incresing.. 2> Once I add the records(same screen), I want to display the added record also...
  7. RushiShroff

    where can i get com/dcom program?

    Just go to www.develop.com there find VBCOM tutorial. You will come to know everything. Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com "Life is beautiful."
  8. RushiShroff

    Write <%FSO%> to textfile with FSO ??

    How to write <%SFA=&quot;SFA.mdb&quot;%> to a text file using FSO ?? Here &quot;<%&quot; sign creating a problem. Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  9. RushiShroff

    Not able to read using FSO

    In view source it displays <%SFA=&quot;SFA.mdb&quot;%> But Not on the browser. But I only want SFA.mdb and later I want to modify it using FSO to some other value say pmsSFA.mdb Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  10. RushiShroff

    Not able to read using FSO

    <% Dim fs, filename, readfile Dim Text, TStream %> <% Set fs = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;) 'filename=server.mappath(&quot;1&quot;) 'response.write filename Set readfile=fs.OpenTextFile(&quot;C:\InetPub\wwwroot\PMS\inc\dbname.txt&quot;,1,False,False)...
  11. RushiShroff

    OOPS and ActiveX Components

    what is relation of OOPS and VB based COM ?? Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  12. RushiShroff

    Here you can start COM??

    www.develop.com web site promoted by Microsoft to learn VBCOM online. Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  13. RushiShroff

    passing values to pop-up window

    see when you open a pop up window, just pass a basic value of all records(Primary key) as a query string as window.open &quot;WindowName.asp?var1=<%=UniqueKey%>&quot; so it will be passed as a querystring Now in your pop up window, accept it by Request.Form and fire a sql command so that you...
  14. RushiShroff

    integer to string, string to int ?

    Poor chap a=Cstr(b) and b=Cint(a) ok ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  15. RushiShroff

    Secret of Bill Gates Success ..??

    Dear sheronne , really good link.Thanks for that. Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  16. RushiShroff

    ASP &amp; COM

    Hi codestorm I am stuck here.Can you help me ? While compiling it gives me anerror on LogError err.Number, err.description, &quot;Method NAme&quot; in class module. If somebody solves this prblem of mine ? How to trap it in a standard anner in ASP ? Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com...
  17. RushiShroff

    ASP COM &amp; Binary compatibility

    thread333-248361 Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  18. RushiShroff

    ASP COM &amp; Binary compatibility

    Thanks for that. There is something new for you in thread ASP & COM of me. Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  19. RushiShroff

    Stop Submit

    sorry for the alert message alert(both pwds shld be same); Rushi Shroff Rushi@emqube.com &quot;Life is beautiful.&quot;
  20. RushiShroff

    Stop Submit

    see if you write <input type=submit name=sub value=Submit onClick=return FunctionName()> Or if you use <input type=button name=sub value=Submit onClick=FunctionName() > Just see type id different Now in case I function FunctionName() { if(..condition check..) { //Incase passwords...

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