@stefanwagner: But that is clearly intended to be the first argument being the full path pointing to a pyw file, and that is needed as far as the cmd window on windows os. Well, I pass and it needs only a simple test to establish the need.
Have you read my response to your thread of the same problem?
I did not post it lightly. You need to wrapper the path to pyw file with quotes because the path contains spaces.
String[] cmd = {"C:\\Python23\\pythonw.exe"...
For i = 0 To (getVouchers.Length - 1)
set getVouchersChildNodes=getVourchers.item(i).ChildNodes
For j=0 To getVouchersChildNodes.Length-1
response.write getVouchersChildNodes.item(j).tagName & " = " & getVouchersChildNodes.item(j).text & "<br /><br />"
[2] That seems to confirm my suspicion that the spec of the requirement is actually incomplete. To reconcile the case (3) with cases (1) and (2), I can only impose that the numeric has digits longer than 3 just to eliminate the 3-digit results for (1) and (2). 4-9 digits is very contingent...
[0] Just to assure the reading is correct:
>the last 9 digits presented before a separator of -,/ or space.
I take it as 1 to 9 digits; separator -, /, or space (not including the comma).
>123456 should return 123456
I take it the end of string is also a "separator"/delimiter. To reconcile...
I bet the List (myXmlDocumentList) is wrongly established. It would have .Count=1 only and the sole item is mixed up. The line concerning the big should be working just fine.
wxsl v1.0 is not expressive for this kind of constraints. It would be relegated to the application level "validation" in tandam with the validation process to the letter of wxsl. However, v1.1 work-in-progress will certainly give partial satisfaction of this kind of constraints. So the short...
[0] >var users = eval(trim(xmlhttp.responseText));
Since you're not using json library, I can thereby suppose xmlhttp.responseText is what sometimes called json text and users is the parsed json object. First, you've to correct the obvious mistake. trim is not a js function.
I detect some lack of spirited approach to programming. That does not help a career.
function strBrowser()
var i=1;
for (i=1;i<=varNUM;i++)
var cmd = 'window.open("'+varURL+'")';
setTimeout(cmd, (i-1)*5000);
This time you need to read every comma and apostroph of what I posted rather...
If you don't want to use session which involves some more variable matching that you can do wrong, you can always write the src attribute with the proper querystring and then in the oneitem.asp query again the db to write out the byte(). That takes two trips of fetching hence taking more time...
In the looping page, you establish
session("x_1002")=rs("photo_front").value 'when 1002 is the mtarget or whatever in the querystring
Then in the oneitem.asp, pick up the querystring and use response.binarywrite of the session("x_1002") or the corrsponding one and then clear the session...
There are only four lines in the link. I am sure you can read it again and again many times including the commas and apostrophes before you finish your lunch.
Q:>how i am supposed to go about looking into the source code
A: Every browser has some button so that user can look at the source code. But if you have no idea of html, then it falls into the category of "lost control to everything."
Q:>and even how to put a link in the URL in the...
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