Are you running the main process from a command window or a Perl/Tk widget? Anyways I have used "wPerl" with Perl/Tk to eliminate the command window for the main process. The "wPerl" file is available in ActiveState Perl package. To use it, just associate the shortcut for your Perl/Tk...
Here's another way:
sub VerifyInt($);
$a = '88.0.5';
$R = VerifyInt($a);
if ($R == 0) {
print "$a is not a valid number \n";
} elsif ($R == 1) {
print "$a is an integer\n";
} else {
print "$a has a decimal point\n";
sub VerifyInt($) {
$Number = "@_";
$NumDecPoint++ while...
No need to know the sizes of the array. You can just use a foreach loop like this:
@list1 = ("one", "two", "three");
@list2 = ("myList2");
@fooList = ([@list2], [@list1]);
foreach $refarray (@fooList) {
foreach $item (@{$refarray}) {
print "$item\n";
The problem is that widget are normally just updating during idle times. To force the update, run $widget->update. Here is your code modified to add the updates.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
my $main = MainWindow->new;
my $message = "Some text";
my $frame = $main->Frame;
my $Label =...
Don't have time to lookup what "TelnetMode => 0" does, but I suspect that may be part of the problem or your prompt doesn't match the default prompt. Here is a portion of a program I have that works for a Solaris machine.
use Net::Telnet;
my $host = "myhost";
my $user =...
The following should do the trick. Comments added for clarification.
$file = "temp.txt";
$RecSep = $/; # Save input record separator
undef($/); # Undefine input record separator
open(F, $file) or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
$contents = <F>; # Read all of file into a...
By default the input record separator is a new line. So each time you read from a file, it reads one line at a time. But since you want to read data between 'DESCRIPTION' strings, you should redefine the input record separator to DESCRIPTION like this:
my $filename =...
One way is to split the string into characters and count how many of each one. Here's an example:
@strings = ("abcabc", "abcdabcd", "abcabcc", "abcabcb", "abc", "aaa", "abbccbcaaacc");
foreach $string (@strings) {
This is easy enough to do with sort. See the example below:
@list = ("01/22/2000", "01/21/2001", "08/08/2000", "12/12/2000", "09/09/1999");
sub mysort() {
@data1 = split ("/",$a);
@data2 = split ("/",$b)...
One thing I noticed was that the top one includes the directory name in the mv, but the bottom one doesn't. See change in red:
$line = "";
@comb = split(/\@/,$line);
$a1 = $comb[0];
$a2 = $comb[1];
$a3 = $comb[2];
$b = "/tmp/tmpdir/";
The problem is that you need the full pathname to the file. Here's the code with changes in red
my $start_point=".";
sub Traverse{
my ($workdir) = shift;
opendir(DIR, $workdir) or die "Unable to open $workdir:$!\n";
my @dirarray =...
You can try just reading until you get what you want like this:
system("stty raw");
print "Press y or n: ";
do {
$buffer = getc(STDIN);
$answer = $answer . $buffer;
} until ($answer =~ m/\w/); # Adjust condition to your liking
system("stty cooked");
Mike is right, 'stty raw' will do it. Here's an example:
system("stty raw");
print "Press y or n: ";
$answer = getc(STDIN);
system("stty cooked");
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