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Search results for query: *

  1. raider2001

    Getting rid of the cmd window

    Are you running the main process from a command window or a Perl/Tk widget? Anyways I have used "wPerl" with Perl/Tk to eliminate the command window for the main process. The "wPerl" file is available in ActiveState Perl package. To use it, just associate the shortcut for your Perl/Tk...
  2. raider2001

    How to recognize an int or a float

    Here's another way: sub VerifyInt($); $a = '88.0.5'; $R = VerifyInt($a); if ($R == 0) { print "$a is not a valid number \n"; } elsif ($R == 1) { print "$a is an integer\n"; } else { print "$a has a decimal point\n"; } sub VerifyInt($) { $Number = "@_"; $NumDecPoint++ while...
  3. raider2001

    How to recognize an int or a float

    How about using pattern matching? if ($a =~ /\./) { # $a has a decimal point } else { # $a is an integer }
  4. raider2001

    Step through Array of Arrays with unknown Size

    No need to know the sizes of the array. You can just use a foreach loop like this: @list1 = ("one", "two", "three"); @list2 = ("myList2"); @fooList = ([@list2], [@list1]); foreach $refarray (@fooList) { foreach $item (@{$refarray}) { print "$item\n"; } }
  5. raider2001

    Perl TK Buttons Not Redrawing During Subroutine Exec.

    The problem is that widget are normally just updating during idle times. To force the update, run $widget->update. Here is your code modified to add the updates. use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $main = MainWindow->new; my $message = "Some text"; my $frame = $main->Frame; my $Label =...
  6. raider2001

    Telnet question,

    Don't have time to lookup what "TelnetMode => 0" does, but I suspect that may be part of the problem or your prompt doesn't match the default prompt. Here is a portion of a program I have that works for a Solaris machine. use Net::Telnet; my $host = "myhost"; my $user =...
  7. raider2001

    How to write each word in a text file on a new line

    The following should do the trick. Comments added for clarification. $file = &quot;temp.txt&quot;; $RecSep = $/; # Save input record separator undef($/); # Undefine input record separator open(F, $file) or die &quot;Can't open $file: $!\n&quot;; $contents = <F>; # Read all of file into a...
  8. raider2001

    Regex push $1 help

    nfaber, My mistake I put a backslash instead of a slash for the input record separator. It should be '$/'.
  9. raider2001

    Regex push $1 help

    By default the input record separator is a new line. So each time you read from a file, it reads one line at a time. But since you want to read data between 'DESCRIPTION' strings, you should redefine the input record separator to DESCRIPTION like this: my $filename =...
  10. raider2001

    Problems with specific search in string

    One way is to split the string into characters and count how many of each one. Here's an example: @strings = (&quot;abcabc&quot;, &quot;abcdabcd&quot;, &quot;abcabcc&quot;, &quot;abcabcb&quot;, &quot;abc&quot;, &quot;aaa&quot;, &quot;abbccbcaaacc&quot;); foreach $string (@strings) { @chars...
  11. raider2001

    Custom sorting records by date (without SQL)

    This is easy enough to do with sort. See the example below: @list = (&quot;01/22/2000&quot;, &quot;01/21/2001&quot;, &quot;08/08/2000&quot;, &quot;12/12/2000&quot;, &quot;09/09/1999&quot;); sub mysort() { @data1 = split (&quot;/&quot;,$a); @data2 = split (&quot;/&quot;,$b)...
  12. raider2001

    mv command

    One thing I noticed was that the top one includes the directory name in the mv, but the bottom one doesn't. See change in red: $line = &quot;vcx@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx@01.09.04-14.02.50&quot;; @comb = split(/\@/,$line); $a1 = $comb[0]; $a2 = $comb[1]; $a3 = $comb[2]; $b = &quot;/tmp/tmpdir/&quot;; $c...
  13. raider2001

    dynamic variables

    Sounds like you want a hash. Here's an example: %Price = ( bread => '1.99', eggs => '1.54', milk => '2.39', ); foreach $Item (sort keys %Price) { print &quot;The price of $Item is \$$Price{$Item}\n&quot;; }
  14. raider2001

    Automate user input = 'yes' or 'y'

    Sounds like a job for Expect or Perl::Expect.
  15. raider2001

    Converting script from Windows to Linux - RE issues

    Try 'chomp' to remove the new line character, which differs between linux and windows.
  16. raider2001

    Help traversing a filesystem

    The problem is that you need the full pathname to the file. Here's the code with changes in red my $start_point=&quot;.&quot;; &Traverse($start_point); sub Traverse{ my ($workdir) = shift; opendir(DIR, $workdir) or die &quot;Unable to open $workdir:$!\n&quot;; my @dirarray =...
  17. raider2001

    read a key from keyboard without ReadKey module

    The line '($answer =~ m/\w/);' is true when the variable $answer contains a word character. Word characters are a-Z and 0-9.
  18. raider2001

    read a key from keyboard without ReadKey module

    You can try just reading until you get what you want like this: system(&quot;stty raw&quot;); print &quot;Press y or n: &quot;; do { $buffer = getc(STDIN); $answer = $answer . $buffer; } until ($answer =~ m/\w/); # Adjust condition to your liking system(&quot;stty cooked&quot;);
  19. raider2001

    read a key from keyboard without ReadKey module

    Mike is right, 'stty raw' will do it. Here's an example: system(&quot;stty raw&quot;); print &quot;Press y or n: &quot;; $answer = getc(STDIN); system(&quot;stty cooked&quot;);
  20. raider2001

    system command output

    @Out = `tail -20 /File.txt`; foreach $Line (@Out) { print &quot;$Line&quot;; }

Part and Inventory Search
