Nope that didn't work. Even though "emerge info" clearly shows "session", the phpinfo script still shows "--disable-session". I even tried setting the environment variable USE="session", but that didn't do it either. I finally added it to "/etc/portage/package.use" and did an "emerge --newuse...
I've read that elsewhere too, but it seems that Gentoo's default config options are at odds with the normal behavior. Even though php_session.h was compiled, it seems to have been disabled by the default Gentoo install. I've changed my USE variable to include "session" which enables it. I'm...
I'm trying to run dotproject, but I'm getting an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_name() in /home/sites/dotproject/htdocs/dotproject/index.php on line 52
I commented out the "session_name" line, and it gave a similar error on "session_write_close". I grep'ed the...
You probably changed the number of elements without thinking about it. You should really do bounds checking anyway...
var numrows = (form.elements.length < 51)? form.elements.length : 51;
for ( var row = 1; row <= numrows; ++row )
var kits = parseInt(...
Set a border on the element to make sure the width you think you see actually belongs to the element in question.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
Ok, it took a lot of work, but I got it to work with offsetWidth on IE and Mozilla. Here's the final code:
function scroll_marquee(marquee_div,marquee_speed)
if (document.getElementById) // newer browsers only
if (parseInt(marquee_div.offsetLeft)<(0-marquee_div.offsetWidth))...
The internet isn't built like that. It's based on IPs, and you already determined the problem with identifying someone by IP... the one you see might not be the end of the line, but rather a router or firewall. Not being able to, or caring to, know the exact route to an individual...
If your code is var timer = setTimeout("do_something()",x)
Then, just save "timer" in a cookie and read that cookie whenever you come back to the page.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
I'm building a basic horizontal marquee scroller to fit inside of a dynamically sized table cell. Inside the cell, I have a relatively positioned div called "marquee_container" set to "width:100%". This works as expected. Inside "marquee_container", I have an absolutely positioned div called...
You can use Perl, CGI, and a database to access local resources via a local apache server at http://localhost:80. I'm not sure this is the right approach though. You could use Perl to write a GTK+ program in Gnome for a front-end.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc...
Try adding the following to your httpd.conf:
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
IE doesn't speak HTTP fluently, and thus Apache needs to speak down to it. This may or may not be the cause of your...
A period or dot (.) is a wildcard. It means "anything at all". So, if you replace .+ with blank, then nothing remains in your string. It doesn't work in Perl either. You need to escape your dots (eg: \.).
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
If you're just looking for client-side scripting, use JavaScript. If we're not quite understanding what you want to do, then perhaps you can explain better.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
Roger, I would consider multi1 to have the correct behavior. If you multiply 10 by nothing, you should get zero, not 10. In other words, if (!aBase) aBase = 0; is correct.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
Did you install the same version of Perl that you were running before? If not, you may have files from two different versions, in which case you should go onto CPAN and download all of your modules for your new version.
Tom Anderson
Order amid Chaos, Inc.
You could certainly use Perl to listen to port 80 (or whatever) for HTTP requests using IO::Socket or HTTP::Daemon, etc. Here's one: ( And another: ( The question is, why would you want to? Just load up Apache... it'll be less of...
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