I have an application which I am getting ready to sell online. I was in the process of setting up the PAD XML file when it was asking me for my primary, secondary, etc. URL where the software can be downloaded from. Currently I have the software setup to download from my website host. Are...
Need to create an update SQL and am not sure how to do this...
I want to update the sent_item = '2' if the following condition below is true...
invoice = invoice_number and
a.tran_date = b.tran_date and
a.store_number = b.store_number and...
I am trying to update a date time field (it is currently NULL) and can't get it to update.
I am using the following SQL...
update table1 set livedate = '2006-12-01 00:00:00.000' where livedate is null
When I run the SQL, it runs successfully...but nothing gets updated.
Thanks for any help...
I am trying to run a SQL that selects the maximum count by department...
For example, below is TABLE1 with the following fields TOTAL, DEPART, BUYER. The results should be grouped by DEPART. Any help greatly appreciated!
1, 1254, 10740431,
37, 1254, 12680081,
1, 1255...
I am trying to update table supplement with the lowest price and company found in suppprice and I get errors. Any idea why?
SQL query:
UPDATE supplement set( supp_lprice, supp_lcomp ) = ( SELECT min( suppp_price ) , company_id
FROM suppprice
WHERE supplement.supp_id = suppprice.supp_id...
I have two tables. The first table is a product table. the second table is prices. It is a one to many relationship as TableB contains multiple prices for a Supp_ID in TableA. What I need is a SQL that updates TableA.Supp_Lprice and TableA.Supp_Lcompany_id with the lowest price and company...
When I try to run the following SQL, I get the error message "Operation Must Use A Updatable Query". Any idea how to fix this?
UPDATE suppprice SET suppp_price = (Select price from str_prices where str_prices.brand_name = suppprice.suppp_brand and str_prices.product_url = suppprice.suppp_kurl...
I am trying to extract a number from a url. Basically I am trying to extract the data between '-p-' and '.html'. Is this possible? If so, can I do this in a Microsoft Access SQL?
Field1 = http://www.website.com/red-widget-p-2831.html
Field2 would be 2831.
Thanks for any help!
I have two tables in a one to many relationship. There can be many ProdPrice records for each ProdMast record. What I am trying to do is find the lowest price for each product (key: ProdID) in the ProdPrice table and update the ProdMast table (LowPrice and LowCompanyID). What would the SQL...
I am trying to update a table based on a join with another table...
update supplement
set supplement.supp_desc = table2.description, supplement.supp_ingred = table2.ingredients, supplement.supp_directions = table2.direction
(select * FROM supplement, table2 where supplement.brand_id =...
I created a Class Module which I want to use with a update query, but am receiving a error message. What I did is below. Am I missing anything? This is really new to me so I may be doing everything wrong. :)
1) Create Class Module
This was taken from the FAQs on this site
I think I have gotten a little further..but am still having problems. Here is what I did..
1) Create Class Module
This was taken from the FAQs on this site
Option Compare Database
Function FindReplace(strOrig As Variant, strOld As String, strNew As String)
'Function to...
I need to create a query to find/replace certain characters in a field. From what I can tell, this will require creating a function and then using the function in the query. I found the function I need in the FAQ's on this site (faq705-2384). My question is...how do I go about creating this...
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