It does have something to do with SQL, as I'm setting a value to '1' in the database if the checkbox is checked:
if (Request("validException")) <> "" then
set cn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open Application("DataConn")
sql = "UPDATE Locations SET LocAllowMultOcc =...
1) I didn't even think about that...but, you're right, I should have did that -- and will add it to this.
2) Sorry about not posting back on those last two, I honestly don't know why I didn't do that. I usually DO conciously try to do that, as I spend lots of hours searching the web and...
Hello List! I need to post this in two posts because of it's size, so please bear with me...
I have some questions regarding how to implement a checkbox on my asp page...
I have a checkbox on records on a list indicating if it is a 'Valid Exception' -- if the user checks it, it is hidden on...
Hmmm...When I spell it out, I get 10/01/07 returned as my TOP 1.
SELECT top 1 RunDate
SELECT distinct top 100 percent CONVERT(varchar,runDate,1) AS RunDate ,RunDate as Dateorder
FROM areaEval
But, the Inner select is working correctly...
Got it....
SELECT top 1 RunDate
SELECT distinct top 2147483647 CONVERT(varchar,runDate,1) AS RunDate ,RunDate as Dateorder
FROM areaEval
Apparently in MS SQL Server 2005, since you can't use 'TOP 100%', you need to use that crazy number (max number of...
If I want to get the top 1 from the list, how can I do that?
SELECT distinct CONVERT(varchar,runDate,1) AS RunDate ,RunDate as Dateorder
FROM areaEval
01/01/08 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
12/01/07 2007-12-01 00:00:00.000
11/01/07 2007-11-01 00:00:00.000
Thanks for all the replies and help!!! You guys are awesome!
SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(varchar,runDate,1) AS RunDate ,RunDate as Dateorder
FROM areaEval
Works like a charm!
Thanks again!
Hello List!
I have a question on how to sort a list of dates after using the convert function on it....
Here's my list of dates:
FROM areaEval
2007-11-01 00:00:00.000
2007-10-01 00:00:00.000
2007-09-05 00:00:00.000
2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
Hello List! First post in this forum as I'm expanding my skillset!
I have a problem that I'm looking for help on...
I currently have a submit button that's located on the bottom of my page:
if request("type") <> "x" then
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<td colspan=""4""...
Hi gmmastros,
Yes; for example, Denver CO, has 4 locations --
zoom level 3, I only want to show 1 icon (because they're all on top of each other!);
zoom level 5, still probably only 1 icon;
zoom level 6, 1, 2, or 3 icons, depending on how close they are;
zoom level 8, probably 2 or 3...
Thanks, gmmastros!
I'm going to use these values for a new Latitude depending on the zoom level used by the user; if they zoom to level 5, only show the address at the nearest half Latitude, level 3, quarter Latitude, etc. -- we have too many points on the map and are trying to clean them up a...
Hello List!
I have a question...
I want to round a number to the nearest half --
I tried this:
select addID,
addLat, dec(round(addLat * 2, 0)/2,11,1) as Nearest_Half
from Addresses
But, am getting an error msg:
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
'dec' is not a recognized built-in...
After working on this some more, I think my issue is getting it to go to the update page and passing parameters to that page (but, don't have a submit button on the first page or anything)...
Here's my updateAddress.asp page:
conn = application("DataConn")
set cn =...
Hello List!
I have a question on how to handle something...
I have one page that gets data from google maps & I want to get these values and then go to another page (updateAddress.asp) where I will do the update.
I'm getting the data correctly, but having issues with getting it to go to the...
Got it... one issue was I didn't have parentheses around my condition in my if stmt (duh!)
Got it working with this:
//if checkbox is not checked, do the capacity check
if (document.forms[0].validException.checked == false){
if ( (parseInt(document.forms[0].refurnCapacity.value)) <...
Hello List!
I have a checkbox on my page; and if the box isn't checked, I want to do a check on my form...
Checkbox code:
<input type="checkbox" name="validException" value=1
if trim(Request.QueryString("validException")) = "YES" then
Response.Write " checked"
end if
I'm wondering how to get two combo boxes to work in conjunction w/ each other....
I have one combo box (filterVal) that IS working correctly; this array has both an id[0] and name[1]:
Response.Write "<td>"
Response.Write "<select size=""1"" name=""filterVal""...
I'm wondering how to get two combo boxes to work in conjunction w/ each other....
I have one combo box (filterVal) that IS working correctly; this array has both an id[0] and name[1]:
Response.Write "<td>"
Response.Write "<select size=""1"" name=""filterVal""...
I have a question on how to verify the value in select box; if a value isn't selected, I want to do an alert box "Please select count type."
I've been told before to post the source, so I hope this is right (apologies if it is not!):
<link href='include.css'...
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