Hmm... Here’s a trick that might work... I’ve used it but I’m not very familiar with scripting or your situation.
1. Download the pages Scripting
2. Search for the script that causes the popup message
3. Remove said script via replace
4. Save the script to your hard drive as a webpage
5. open...
What kind of alert is thrown? Depending on the alert you need to take the alert and then find a way to recognize it in vb... Once you can recognize the alert you need to perform an action (the button click).
Step 1: let’s say its some sort of a pop up window alert? Maybe you could use...
I get an overflow error when i do it that way matt. I agree though it would seem to be the correct way.
This works although probally not the best solution
Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()
Text1 = Format(Text1, "##/##/####")
End Sub
Cajun wouuld you please explain the results? im not sure what all of them are. Also 2, 3, and 7 listed below always come back with a "0" value, for me, is that right?
0 - process name
1 - process ID
2 - Default Heap ID
3 - Module ID
4 - CntThreads?
5 - th32ParentProcessID ?
6 -...
I think you need to be a little more specific about how you’re going about this, and what exactly you need it to do. You could for example: If you test a link and it is bad, open the source code for your webpage and search for the bad link and add it to a “bad link” file and delete it from...
Yes there is! You could for example get the source code of the website and scan that for Java that would characterize a moving .jpg etc…
To get the source code you can use the inet control…
Use an API or
If you want to use just the browser there is get html or something like that…
Hmmm... You need to be more specific, a lot more!
Who is editing the items in the listbox you through code? Or the user?
If it’s the user I recommend using a combobox and a button.
If you are editing the data through code which I suspect than after the items are in the list do something...
Im curious is there anyway to resize a picturebox to the size of the image that is loaded into the picturebox?
or to find the width and height of the image in the picturebox?
I know no easy way to do it... I assume you could take and run a filter that removes the extension... then run them to a listbox that adds them without the extension... then you need to let it konw that when marysue is selected in the listbox it should play marysue.mp3 from the filelistbox...
If your going to do all that you might as well use Windows Media player to play the animation depending on the format... but this again is a round about way
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