Yeah, I was afraid that it would be wasting my time as well. Since being laid off some 5 months ago, money is tight and if it doesn't give me any edge then I'd rather not go for it.
I still want to learn SQL badly though and possibly get a job involving it. What would be a good starting place...
So I'm thinking of taking a course in MCTS for SQL 2005. Thing is, it's going to cost me $3,075 to take this course and get the certification.
My question to everybody here is, should I pursue this? Or just study up on SQL 2005 and take the certification when I'm ready? Possibly saving more...
It's in referrence to tables. Seems Access 2003 can't write to/create new tables in SQL Server 2005 or so that's been the errors I get with it.
Now I'm getting JIT debugging problems about 'new instance of ms visual studio 2005' so who knows lol.
Holy crap! Thanks to everyone who has replied. I was away on vacation so I couldn't check the forums hehe. I guess Google has lead me astray on a lot of my searches concerning SQL and the like. I believe it's what caused my initial confusion.
I will indeed install SQL Server 05 on an old PC and...
Thanks for all the input folks! Currently right now I just want to play around in it. I've had some experience with database design/coding but it was with MS Access and was out of pure boredom at me old employer. I was able to figure out nearly every aspect of designing/creating/maintaining an...
Actually, I think the name is Data Architect :) I found out some interesting info here
I don't have a company or work for one currently (I was recently laid off as an Domain Admin). I have a copy of MS SQL Server 2005 that I got from my old employeer and was going to install it because as I understand it, I have too in order to program in SQL.
This is why I'm lost about SQL...
I understand the concepts of SQL, I've been reading a lot to do with SQL here recently but everything fails to tell you how to get started. I have Access, I have enough SQL knowledge by reading to do some testing, but nothing mentions what to test "in".
I've installed MS SQL Server 2005 and all...
I have a lot of experience with MS Access actually. I've designed several medium to large databases for a company I worked for out of pure boredom. It was a simple program to learn but don't recall ever using SQL in any of it. It's been awhile so I dunno :)
From my understanding Access...
What front end tool would you recommend?
Is it possible to get into SQL programming without having to do all the other stuff like SQL Database Server Networking Infrastructure Management OMGWTFBBQ?
I just simply want to create databases, not write the entire OS/Network/Etc.. if that makes...
I'm interested in programming in SQL but find a few key area's to be unexplained. First off I would like to design/code databases but don't know where to start to do this!
Would I need MS SQL Server 2005 to do this or just notepad or something?
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