Hi, Djang,
Thanks very much for this insight. For now, since we can't suddenly pull the plug on users of 5.x lower than 5.5,
I'm going to just use the standard single-table interface, and optimize later in the process.
(I had been wondering how joins might run in Pervasive, expecting...
Hello, Ettienne,
Thanks so much for this info and insight. We do have a minimum version requirement for
use of our software, and I will find out what version CS0120 was offered.
Thanks again
Does anyone know whether the "SQL Query" view (CS0120) is supported for all databases that ACCPAC runs on?
I very much need to do a join, but I did not see any reference to regular views having the ability to do this.
The code is quite pitiful without it...
The docs I've seen appear to state...
Hard to believe what I found. BlkGet does work, but the two arrays that are its arguments must
be cast as simple objects, exactly specified as Visual Studio implied for the field ID and returned values
with Intellisense: (ref object, out object).
You then need to re-cast the result object (the...
Hello Kristi,
Thanks very much. I program in C#, but your model provides me with the assurance that I'll be able to
figure out how to make the compiler accept it (that is, int array and object array. I'll let everyone know.
Thanks again
Anyone have any experience with BlkGet? I really don't want to waste time getting the values cell by cell. I'm
putting the data into a DataTable row of objects, so it doesn't matter what type they are. I've tried every which way
to create the code for the BlkGet call (described as void...
Does anyone know how to use the ACCPAC SDK to get the contents of a view object directly, in bulk, into a C# DataTable, not just a cell or row at a time? Fetch and BLKCPY appear to get only one row at a time, no matter what you do.
Thanks very much, Ettienne, that was my plan if I couldn't find it elsewhere.
Any particular reason it wasn't instantiated in the external system DB? Sage's other
multi-company ERPs (MAS90/200, MAS500) have SQL Server company tables.
Thanks again
I am attempting to obtain the company list.
Is it available in a SQL Server table in the system database, or only accessible through SDK access (session.Organizations)?
I'm using ACCPAC V6.0a. The doc appears to imply that it is only available in the DLL, does not list a SQL table.
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