1. List your environment variables
2. List the contents of the directory you run ant in.
3. List the contents of your build file - "my_build.xml".
4. Run: ant -version and let me know the results.
Hmmm, using -buidfile (although I usually use -f because it is less typing) and -h works ok for me - I am using version 1.6.5. Try renaming the existing build.xml file and retesting to see what result you get and let us know.
# start of contents of property file appl.properties
appl.type=java or
# end of contents of property file
<project name="compile-java-or-c" default="do-build">
<property file="appl.properties" />
<target name="do-build" depends="echo-build, build-java-files,build-c-files"/>...
Did you previously run the script using the webxml attribute? I do not know but I would gues there is no pre-existing web.xml file referenced which is why you are getting that message.
It looks like you have not set up ant correctly - the script works ok for me; check out http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html and go to the manual/installing ANT the instruction ar very good, let us know if you get it working !!
Use the -debug option it will display your properties, defined in the build.xml file itself, the properties defined in any properties file referenced in the build file AND the environment properties.
Sorry have not tested this, but, this should copy all files in c:\myindir with a ".sqlx" extension to c:\myoutdir, changing the extension to ".sql". This should work on windows/unix.Let me know if you are still having problems! And remember all this stuff is in the online manual!
Search for "Library dependencies" at http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html
It sounds as if you may not have a (the correct) XML paraser in your classpath.
You can use the ANT "EXEC" task to run a bat/sh script to set paths and classpaths from within an ANT script.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="setjavahome" basedir="." default="main">
<target name="main">
<echo> OSNAME = ${java.home}</echo>
<exec dir="."...
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