I would like to chart some XY scater diagram. On the x-axis is hour of day and on the y-axis is the measured value. The measured value can be 100 or 1000 units. The problem is that when I want to draw a line with peaks around 1000 the chart shrinks from the desired width. I would like...
I have loop reading text file and import data from it to DB. File name consist of date and at the end of loop I increase the date for 1 day and create the file name to read the next file.
I am trying to solve the problem of error handling on duplicate entries with the foloving code:
Now I have managed to use MonthView control but still it is not satisfactory enough. There is no event like MonthChanged. I'd like that when I select month there wouldn't be necessary to clik on any day of month to get the month index.
I tried to used that first but I just could get the control in the control toolbox. I think I checked the righ library or OCX file in projec reference, but the control does not appear.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I would like to get the value of currently selected or changed month just by clicking the month combobox in calendar control in VB6.
I have the following code but it seems it doesn't work (the value it returns is always zero.
Private Sub calKoledar_NewMonth()
Dim intMonth As Integer...
I have text file in some format. I read it line by line and extract data I want from every line. How can I transfer these data to a table in MS Access using VBA?
Regards, Gorazd
I don't know if I am in the right forum, I think this is the closer one.
Is there any way of tracking personal finances with MS Money 2004 DeLuxe separatelly for more than one person?
Thanks, Gorci
Can anyone tell how to delete history from input fields in IExplorer. This is in combination with autofill quite annoying, because the next time you want to enter keyword the drop down list is too big. I woul prefer having one keyword and selecting it by down arrow.
I hope you...
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