Well, I have other users that I have added and they work well. I am not sure how to see what AD server the BO autheticates against. I have the CMC set up and it works OK but there are one or two users that it doesn't not allow me to add as users. I had our AD person look and verify that they are...
I am using BO XI and I have a user that has been added to AD but I still cannot add as a user in BO Enterprise. I am not sure how to find out how to check what server it is trying to verify against. I am not the AD person but they are wanting to tell what the server so they can see if there is...
I did some more searching and I found this:
If Length(ToText({P_DAILY_SALES_EDIT.WEIGHT})) < 15 then
toText({P_DAILY_SALES_EDIT.WEIGHT}) + Space (14 - length(ToText({P_DAILY_SALES_EDIT.WEIGHT}))) + Chr(13)
This seems to work.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your reply.
This is what I am using:
ToText({P_DAILY_SALES_EDIT.WEIGHT})+repeatstring(" ",20-len(totext({P_DAILY_SALES_EDIT.WEIGHT})))
This does not seems to work, where did I go wrong here?
Good afternoon folks.
I am using Crystal XI and I need to assign character spaces to columns. In orther words I want to make sure that a field will have enough space to hold up to the number of spaces assigned to it.
Let me share a one more thing about this. After we installed Offfice XP on those machines that did not work, it started working. On the other programmer's machine that I tested it on, it did not have office XP. It is strange. Thanks for your help.
I have an application I designed in VB6 on an XP machine. The application does everything I need it to do as long as it is on an XP machine. On a W2K machine everything works but two items. The two things are; there is a print
capability with in the app. When you are ready to print the dialog...
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