I have a CICS /not sure about software version/It is 1998 or so vintage. What cards and what level of software would be required to bring it up to 8 lines/24 stations? Can it be done?It has a 1 port Flashtalk mail system.
going to power down and move both a block away/Is there any
preferred power down/power up sequence so as not to lose any programming? ie sytem then mail or visa versa
have an AMD 1.53 MZ///
Sytem Properties show 192 mb ram, but I have a 256 mb memory board plugged in.Is something installed wrong? Should it not show 256 mb in System Prperties?
son's comp got so full of virus and spyware items it wouldn't run/had to reformat drive and reload the operating sytem. everthing seems fine internet acess really good,anything from the quick launch is quick, but any applications from the desk top or trying to open a directory from windows...
What would be considered as the standard in terms of inside wiring from the Telco demarc to the adsl modem. I have a problem with the network connection going up and down. The existing wire is 400 ft of non twisted. It would probably be good place to start by replacing this
cabling. Your...
looks like am trying to make a cadillac out of a volkswagon. So with my simple sytem ccr will transfer
the call to the recording, a digit will be dialed and it will present itself at the line key of the one and only dn in the group( each group has one dn) as a transferred call(with the shorter...
I'm installing(some experience), but rather new. Customer purchased a refurb and it turned out it had a bad software card to start with. I installed the ccr per the documentation and help from tek-tips.After I installed it and ccr was working if someone calls in,gets the recording and dials...
ccr answers call, goes to greetings(open for Business),you dial 1 for lets say 22. The line button rings at that dn22.
Is there any way you can have the intercom of that dn ring instead of the line?
have a dn on an ATA. programed into a grp 4 under sys programming. admin program I put dial 4 as...
thanks for all your info, it backed up the programming I had done and made it a lot easier to convince the supplier that there was a problem with the software card. they sent me anew one and presto, it works. I haven't done one for awhile so I had to make sure I was doing it write
I have everthing as you say but the lines ring and ring
and then if you hang up from the outside line, the line key keeps flashing and the sytem resets
If I take it out of AA and call in the lines ring and ring, then when I hang up from the outside line, the line key flashes a...
ccr set @ 2 rings
also with admin prog with *833 it shows
auto att msg A,B,C, options user/off/try to record under user(ccr off) it says try again. the pre recorded messages
are on D,E,F,G user/sys/off(with these under sys you can play pre recorded mess, but under user record-says try again...
sorry I really didn't explain or type that very well
just want sys ccr
small system 4 lines/no vm/all4 lines appr& ring on 4 sets
sys programming /I turned on auto answer/att 21
/ccr lines 001,002,003,004
/ccr grps grp 1(dn21),grp 2(dn22)grp 3 (dn23),grp 4...
I have a reuirb cics with Compact ics 4.0 documentation
a software card that says cics 4X16 cics dr 6.0 s/w
the system under maint says 930CGE02 NAT.
I am trying to get an auto attendant working with jusr 2 grpps ,4 lines no voice mail Just to 2 other phones and an answering machine
I have...
just installed a d-link di-604 and set up a home network
3 to as much as 5 times a day I lose the internet connection through the router /the local network stays working/if i bypass the routerI get a internet connection/
power the router up and down a few times and i get the connection back.
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