Don't know of any, so I wrote a series or prgs to do it for me. There were a lot of manual steps initially, including using the wizard after recompiling the projects beginning only with the main program (to eliminate "junk"). It took a month or two to document 20 applications, their source...
I'm trying to install the software for my HP series 2350 on my new computer that has Vista but no matter if a "run" setup.exe or "run as" setup.exe, it keeps telling me that the installation cannot continue using the "run as" command, that it must be run by the administrator. Fact is my id has...
Thanks so much. It was driving me crazy. Only thing about the help and support is that in Windows Vista (which I unfortunately didn't have a choice getting)you have to hold down the shift key while right clicking. But again, thanks so much.
Every time I open an Office appication I have to agree to the end-user license agreement. Iclick "agree" and continue, but the next time I open the app, it appears again. Does anyone know how to stop this?
Thanks. The other idiosyncratic thing that happens if you do a mimimal migration of FP 2.6 to VFP 9 is that you can call an .spr from a program of the same name, and they both get pulled into the project. But if you have a screen calling a prg of the same name, it is ommitted and not compiled...
They may not exist, but in fact if you call them as a program, i.e., DO blahblah.spr it runs they same way as a .prg. So if a project can recognize the .spr, why doesn't the wizard?
I've done a minimal migration from FP2.6 to VFP 9 and wanted to document my projects. But wherever I have 'DO BLAHBLAH.SPR' there is no reference to those files in the files.dbf or fdxref.dbf or the .lst files. Is there some setting that must be changed?
ok, here's the problem. We have an old legacy system that does opens, does calculations, then closes nearly 100,000 files that reside in one folder. The application is 16 bit, runs on a Windows 2000 server with NTFS file system through terminal server. Recently we are beginning to have errors...
I believe the max number of files the operating system can handle is 65000. Can anyone tell me why? What happens to the operating system if there are too many files per folder?
The executables reside on the server. The users run them from terminal server. The apps are in FPW 2.6. Don't know if memlimit is the cause. Just don't understand 50,0,0 meaning.
I have a config.fpw file setting MEMLIMIT = 50,0,0. The applications have been running this way for years. They run on a Windows 2000 server. But now we are having problems with the app hanging.
Does anyone know if the above MEMLIMIT really impacts memory?
I have recently read somewhere about problems using APPEND MEMO OVERWRITE using macro substitution. I just can't remember where. Has anyone had any problems with this?
When I set an index on a FP 2.6 table from within VFP and the index is a date field, I get an internal consistency error when I try to append a record. I have to create the index on a temporary file created from a copy of the original and then copy the temp file back with cdx type fox2x. It...
Does anyone have any specifics about problems caused by reindexing FoxPro 2.6 tables in VFP 9?
We are about to migrate and have a reindexing program written in VFP 9 but the app is still at the moment in FPW 2.6.
Thanks so much and yes, myearwood got the questions. Is there a problem with codepages, strictdate default settings if you compile old 2.6 code and build an executable in VFP?
Didn't know about enginebehavior, thanks for that!
I am in the process of preparing to do a minimalist migration of several applications from 2.6 to VFP 9 so that we can be using a 32-bit app while we wait for re-writes to another language.
Rather than relying on default values I want to set the following appropriately: CPDIALOGUE, STRICTDATE...
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