I need to remove an entry that the system made in the crontab we had a power supply go down.
Is this what I need to do
crontab -e
then arrow down to the line and remove it by using the x buttom like in vi editor.
Yes the firmware level, Right now one is Per. the other is temp. Before I load the new firmware I need to commit the temp one right. Then I can load the new firmware.
Here how it looks.
Current permanment system firmware image is SF240_219
Current Temporany system firmware image is SF240_332...
how do you update the fireware I download the file to my computer. Now I can ftp it over to the risc box but do I need to make a dir to put it in? or can I stick it in the tmp dir. then load it from there.
If not what do I need to do. anybody have the dirction on how to install it. Aix 5.3
I go to smit tcpip further config static route list all route. I see 3 default gateway how can I change them.
looks like this.
Default UG 3 en2
Default UG 3 en2
Default UG 3 en2
Then there are other that I put in.
My question is how do I change the default...
When a printer is down a message come across the console every 5 min how can I change the time from 5 min to ever 8 hr? please give detail information on how to do it. Our admin is on a 3 week vacation and I told him we will not call him with minor problem.
Thanks for all the help,
I ended up doing
usrch -n All
then usrch -y ALL
then grpch -n ALL
then grpch -y ALL
then pwdch -n ALL
then pwdch -y ALL
after running these command it cleaned up the passwd file its now working.
Again thanks for all the help.
When I go to deleted a user or change a passwd I get this
Now when I made a new user here is what happen.
# mkuser nate
# passwd nate
Changing password for "nate"
nate's New password:
Enter the new password again:
3004-622 An error occurred updating the password database.
3004-709 Error...
I have a mirror OS 5.3 Can I restore the etc/security file or can I just restore the whole etc file. im trying to fix a passwd problem but I dont know if its just the passwd file that causing the problem. I think the etc file system is crouped.
Or would it be best to just restore the passwd...
Can someone give me the write command change for this value.
I know its chmod something then the file name
right now the file looks like this
i need it to look like this
im not running on sp node its a stand alone machine
Pseries 520 4 way server
-rw-r--r-- 1 root security 3843 Feb 16 07:36 passwd
nightman:!:0:0::/home/nightman:/usr/bin/smit mksysb
now nightman...
[compat]: 3004-610 You are required to change your password.
Please choose a new one.
I change it and the next time I log on it ask the same question.
I think the pawwd file is corrupted if it is how can I fix it.
I just cant remeber how to read this file?
Also what should my premission be on my password file in etc.
it said -rw-r--r-- im running os is 5.3
Does anybody know who long it will take to upgrade from 4.3.3 to 5.2 ? just need to make a time line.
Also If I have my OS mirror do I have to unmirror first befor I upgrade?
Im running p620 2gig of mem.
I have raid 5 our systems now I would like to know what happen if your OS goes down and you have to restore with your restore tape.
1. hd0 goes down has aix5.2 hdisk1 is raid5 with the data
now, when you restore from tape will you have to rebuild the logical volume for the data side, and if you...
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