I believe the answer is "No", but does anyone know for sure if there is a way to declare variables within a SQL Expression for a Crystal Report?
My datasource is SQL Server 2005, and my version of Crystal is 2008. I am trying to keep from having to develop a stored procedure for this...
Let me provide you a little more detail, if I may.
1. I am using the ADO.Net (XML)database connection option in Crystal Reports.
2. The developer actually sent me two .xml files with the following components:
An .xml file that holds two tables: A table that holds all the fields with...
Hi unomi,
Thank you for the information you supplied here.
My programmer keeps trying to get me what I need, and with his last effort, he provided me two .xml files. A schema file and a data file. I only pulled the data file into Crystal Reports. The data file shows all fields as "string"...
Hello All,
I am new to XML exporting, and I am working with a .NET developer to provide Business Layer data (not persisted) in an XML file that I can pull into a Crystal Report.
Problem is, all data types are converting to String data types, including numeric and currency data in .NET.
Thank you for your response. It's been since before you responded that I have logged back in, and I just saw your response.
I actually ended up submitting a case to SAP Tech Support, and I have been working with someone there. We have tried a few things already, but nothing has worked...
Hi Charily,
Thank you very much for the suggestion; however, the problem with my solution is not with the border suppression.
The problem is I can't figure out a way to to force the remaining text boxes that aren't suppressed, to display side-by-side and centered on the page. :)
Hi Turkbear...
I am having a problem with text boxes. I have a need to put a row of text boxes, with single line borders on all 4 sides, directly beside each other in a horizontal row, and only display the text box if data exists. If the text box doesn't display, the row is supposed to remove that...
I'm sorry. I realize that the last part might be a little difficult to understand, so please allow me to restate.
The current sort order and desired sort order results are as follows:
Current Sort Order:
1 2
3 4
5 6
To meet a report requirement, I have created a formula to derive a custom print order for the records in a Crystal Report. It is two-colum report, so the multi-column formatting option is being used in this case, and the printing direction is Accross then Down (to display the records in...
Sorry, I notice that the formatting messes up for column 2, once I submit post. So, here is the before and after for column2:
Beer & Wine(GH)
Specialty Drinks (GH)
Pina Colada
Margaritta Swirl
Specialty Drinks (GH)
Pina Colada
OK. For those of you with the same scenario that are looking to this thread for a solution, I came up with a solution to the case (that I pointed out above) where two column headings appear at the top of the 2nd column. This happens when you are at the end of the group and starting another...
This worked!!! I can't believe it!! I have worked on this for over 3 weeks, and couldn't get it to work 100% of the time, but this solutions does. Thank you so much!
I have to say though, I am so confused as to why this solution worked and mine did not.
What I had b4 was this:
Hello lbass (LB),
If you happen to read this thread, my scenario is the exact same scenario as in thread 149-1092146, which you responded to back in 2005. I was just taking my report down a different solution path, which is why I posted this thread the way I did.
The solution you posted in...
Thanks for the suggestion, LB. I will check the CR help file for any information that might help with this and post a solution here, if I find one.
The setting is under the subreport tab, under format subreport.
Yes, I do have the subreport set to reimport when opening. Am I understanding you correctly to say that this is my problem? I have it setup this way because the business requirements called for the following:
1. A standard, generic header and footer for all reports
2. The ability to...
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