Thanks for the response. I am hoping to find lightweight IDE. I have used .NET in the past but don't currently have it installed and would prefer not to unless I have to. I did a google search and found a few but don't know the difference between a good one and a bad one.
Temporarily, I have...
I am have a basic understand of JS and I have worked with VB Script quite a bit so I am familiar with scripting languages.
I have decided to explore my knowledge of JS further. Of course, there are lots of examples and articles.
The basic question I have is what is the best way for me to...
I found a crude way of assigning the variable to an attribute on the current records, but it's not very clean. It required me to select all the data into a new table (temp) and include a row number using the ROW_NUMBER function. Since my data table is < 500 records and it is already sorted it...
I am trying to set a couple of variables to equal the field values of the current record so I can process that information. I put together sample code that creates a temp table and has 2 attributes (animal & breed) and I would like to set the variables myAnimal and myBreed accordingly based on...
This is close to what I want but I don't want the leading comma when field01 is empty. I can use another script to update the field from postion 2 on if it begins with a comma. It's just not as elegant.
SELECT IIF(field01 = '','','F1-' + field01)
+ IIF(field02 = '','',',F2-' + field02)
I missed 2 of the insert statements. Here is record 6 and 7.
INSERT into aaTemp Values (' ','','','','','')
INSERT into aaTemp Values (' ','B','','','','')
Unfortunate. That isn't it. This a legacy database imported from AS/400. There are no primary keys or foreign keys per se. The data is linked by fields containing business data. I masked the table an fields since it is company data but the data is linked by a caseid (case...
parent table (p) has 569,275 records and child table (c) has 633,283
select count(*) from parent -- 569,275
select count(*) from child -- 633,283
All parents have at least 1 child
select p.* FROM [parent] p where p.pID in (select cid from child) -- 569,275 matches parent count
Thanks Andy, I'll give that a try.
Here is what I ended up doing. It isn't elegant and took 2 queries and couple of temp tables but it worked:
SELECT ParticipantID,MAX(NameEntryID) as PNameEntryID
INTO #temp1
FROM NameEntry
GROUP BY ParticipantID;
select p.ParticipantID, p.NameEntryID... the personid/nameid field or personid/modifiedon field, both should produce same result based on this data.
I marked the expected value with * at the end of the group.
Any suggestions for retrieving this data?
NameID lastName middleName firstName PersonID...
I am trying to get a list of all tables and counts for a data conversion project so I can work to eliminate tables with 0 records and identify core child tables.
Below is code that I put together that retrieves a unique table names from the database and has a field named cnt (count) for me to...
I am pulling 20 tables in a spreadsheet. I can do one at a time for a total of 399 files. The number of files per sheet isn't the issue. The issue is the manual process and is there a way to automate this?
I am using SQL Server 2012 and Excel 2016. I need to export all tables in a database that end with the word "type" to excel. I queried the database and got a list, and I was able t do it using the export tools, but that wasn't efficient. I then did it from excel data tab and selected the tables...
gmmastros, excellent. This is exactly what I am looking for. I had found several variations but none of them worked, but your example did. I even tested for leap years and it worked perfectly.
I have some data that came from AS/400 DB2 and it contains julian date data that is described as INT (7) and I need to convert it to a normal calendar date (gregorian).
Here is a format of the data. This would represent 10/27/1960
1960301 - should be converted to 10/27/1960
1977308 -...
I have not used Foxpro for several years and a friend has asked me a question that I don't recall for sure. He is trying to use Foxpro exclusively to convert an excel file to DBF. In the past, they have used Access as an interim but are trying to get away from that for a few reasons. If my...
I don't know if this is the right forum, but I don't see a section about Quality under the certifications forum so I will try here. Does any have any recommendation on which body to use if one is seeking a quality certification.
For example, I found the following:
1. Certified Associate in...
I am considering launching a site with an exam simulator. Does anyone know if there is one out there that can be used? The simulator would have to provide me a way to add / update questions and seen results.
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