I had to slip this one in to correct what I said earlier.
I used both CIMTEET and Kurluk suggestions. Here's how I made this work
v_attributeValue:= ''''||REPLACE(fieldName,'''','''''')||'''';
CIMTEET suggestion of wrapping the text with quotes was pretty close to what I needed. I made a small change to it and used two single quotes as shown below:
field_name := 'Text' -- text that contains a single quote
variable := ''||field_name||''
The replace command as suggested by Kurluk...
Thanks All.
I will try both karluk and CIMTEET suggestions and update my results here.
Hope it helps anybody searching for a similar issue.
Thanks again!
Sorry about that, here is the actual statement that fails, because of the single quote value.
MERGE INTO DETAILS37150433 dp USING ( SELECT 199077 as id FROM dual) dp1 ON ( dp.ID = dp1.id ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Category2='Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN...
I have done some research on tek-tip on this and I've seen your solution for this before. I can't really alter the data. I am trying to do something like this but can't get it to work:
Translate(in_str, char(39),char(39)||char(39)||char(39))
The value that needs to be inserted using dynamic sql is like this: Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles
I want to preserve the single quote when I do the insert into table using Dynamic sql.
When I execute my Dynamic sql statement, I get an missing keyword error because it sees a single quote value.
Is there a way to replace the single quote value?
I have dyanamically built a Merge statement and I am trying to do an Execute Immediate on it. I am able to run the Merge statement individually without issues.
When the same is done through the Execute Immediate it fails: ORA-00001: unique constraint (GPS.DETAILS37150433_PK) violated.
Here is my query and whether I passs a parameter or not the function returns a different value. I did a workaround by putting the contents of the inner-most query into a global temp table and it works fine. Any way I would still like to know what is wrong with the function. Thank you for your...
I am passing one parameter to a function and the return datatype is a number.
When I run the sql itself I get the correct value but the function returns a different value.
My front end tool is Crystal reports and it would be difficult to examine the output parameter value.
I was able to convince the DBA to create a table ( with one big text field) for debugging. I am now use this table to insert and read the dymanic content.
I installed Crystal reports Service Pack 1 but this did not help. My Crystal Reports Product version reads - Do you know a specific hot fix for this issue. Thanks in advance.
I have a cross tab report (Crystal Enterprise 10 ) built on a business view. When no rows are returned CRW32.exe generates an error and crashes.
Things I've done so far:
1. On the cross tab expert - checked "suppress empty rows" check box.
2. created a normal report using the same business...
Does anyone have an answer to this. I am working with Crystal reports and JSP and I need some help calling Crystal reports with Parameters using JSP.Thanks.
I have solved the problem.
1. I had to prefix the function name with the package Name eventhough it was declared in the specification. I am not sure why.
2. the variable inside the function had to be outside the quotes.
e.g. PKG_REPORTS.con_event_dt(' ||card_subm_dt_id ||',card.card_cd)...
Some more details to the above problem:
1.The where clause is dynamic depending on the input parameter.
2.cur_ConceptMatrix is declared as REF CURSOR in the specification.
3. Using Oracle version 8.1.7
the string is built as below:
v_str_sql := v_str_sql || v_from || v_where;
Opening the...
I have declared a procedure, function "con_event_dt" and a variable "v_subm_dt_id" in the package specification.
In the Package body I am trying to execute the following query:
v_str_sql:= SELECT 'card_cd, con_event_dt(v_subm_dt_id,card.card_wip_id_cd) as...
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