A simple answer is that the records defined in the FD section are implemented as a pointer and for QSAM files a Write (and also a read) is simply a pointer update
File Buffer
! ! ...
A couple of possiblities
[ol 1]
Write a program
Use a Hex Editor
Use something like the RecordEditor. You will need to setup the file definition. For the Hex-Zero field, define as a binary integer and set it to 0.
On the mainframe, use standard SPF editor and put hex mode
As already stated this is an Ascii Cobol, with the negative sign included in the last digit.
20p = -200
20q = -201
20r = -202
20y = -209
Currently the field is defined as s9999999,
You could ask for the format to be changed e.g. -9999999 would give you -0000200 instead of 000020p...
You could look at RecordEditor (http://record-editor.sourceforge.net/) It does FileAid like editting on the PC. The main RecordEditor uses a DB to store layouts (there is a Cobol Import function); there is also a seperate CobolEditor that will edit files (Native Mainframe and PC) using a Cobol...
I do not know of any Commercial offerings apart from those related to Cobol or the mainframe (File-Aid (compuware), File Master (CA ?) and IBM did have something as well). Going Back 20 years, there quite a number of similar programs on the Mainframe, but the smaller companies got swallowed up...
My view is there should be a market for software like this on Unix / Windows, but there probably is not at the moment (not unless you did a lot of marketing any way). You need convince people change the way they do things.
When I wrote the RecordEditor, I was working for a company moving from...
Ohers Editors you could look at are
* FillRED http://www.want.ch/FillRed/
* jfFileAid https://sourceforge.net/projects/jfileaid/
* FileAid has a PC version but it will cost a Lot though
* Some Comercial Cobol Compilers have an editors for there Files (i.e. MicroFocus)
At the moment the...
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