The switch to 64 caused similar sounding issues with 32 bit databases on my bosses machine. It took some time to figure it out, but as soon as we reverted to 2019 32 bit, all the problems went away. Was hoping it was just that for your sake, but alas, no.
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Did you switch from 32 bit Access to 64 Bit Access?
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Those That Understand BINARY And Those That DonÆt.
Thanks for the help anyway. I'm not married to the code I'm using, so if there is an alternative that supports this, I would certainly try it. If you have a suggestion I would appreciate it, I will give google a try also.
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Those That...
Hi. I don't have to set any references, so I believe it's CDO for Windows 2000. Server is Gmail.
Thank you.
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Hello. I'm using CDO.Message to distribute auto reports. My email sent folder over time becomes too large and I have to go in and delete old messages. I was wondering if there is a .item that instructs the e-mail server not to store a copy of the e-mail being sent.
Thanks in advance for any...
Minutes = DateDiff("n", A, B)
Result = Int(Minutes / 1440) & " Days, "
Result = Result & Format((Minutes - Int(Minutes / 1440) * 1440) / 60, "Standard") & " Hours"
MsgBox Result
End Function
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Me.txtOrgChange.Value = DLookup("[Note_Text]", "dbo_Job_Operation", "[Operation_Service]='" _
& Forms![frm_ChangeEntry]!Operation &"'")
Looks like your field criteria [Operation_Service] is a text field, so your dlookup needs to have the form value in ' (apostrophes)
There Are 10 Types Of...
Does either the parent report, or the sub report, when opened desperately, ask for the value? If so, look to see that all of your bound fields have matching fields in their respective data sources.
Is either report based on a cross tab query? if so, does the cross tab rely on a filter from a...
is it just one machine giving the errors, or did something happen to the entire database?
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Your form is named Prep, and it is open when you run the report? Also, is your text box text2 formatted as a short date or some other date, not general text?
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Those That Understand BINARY And Those That DonÆt.
I have no idea why, but that worked.
Thank you!
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I've been reading about Cangrow, there are a million threads out there, but none seem to apply to my issue. I have a report, with a text box in the detail section, set to CanGrow Yes.
The text box is growing as needed on about 1/3 of work stations, and fails on the other 2/3.
What makes this...
Most common cause for #Name is a form field is bound to a field name that doesn't exist. Second, if the field is calculated and calls on a field not there, or calls on it's self, those will do it also.
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That would do it. Make table queries do not bring along any indexes or constraints.
There Are 10 Types Of People In The world:
Those That Understand BINARY And Those That DonÆt.
Open your query directly and see if you can make edits. If not, the query is your problem. In order to edit records in a query I think the join has to a unique index on one of the two tables. Don't remember all the rules but I think this is going to be your problem.
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Library Master, Utilities, rebuild Sort Files for Purchase Orders. It will ask if you want to recalculate on order quantities. Do this only when you have a fresh backup. I'm told it can do damage, though I have never seen it do damage personally.
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I have used functions found here successfully with SQL server 2014 and access 2013.
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how about trying DoCmd.RunSQL (strSql) instead of trying to execute?
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You can do a return of goods entry.
There Are 10 Types Of People In The world:
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Us old people call it a DOS prompt for the same reason we say Video Tape when we record videos on or phones. Command Shell, Digital Camera. We know what we mean.
There Are 10 Types Of People In The world:
Those That Understand BINARY And Those That DonÆt.
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