it's a different language, vba is a scripting language where .net is a compiled language. there are strengths and weaknesses of each.
try to resist the urge to treat .net like VBA. It's difficult because we default to what we know and assume it should be the same, but it's not. the same would...
Ah, now I see it. you need to create an anonymous object.
var query = (from row in dt select new {row.ID, row.Name}).Distinct();
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
you need to select distinct ID and Name from the database. To show a distinction between Names you may want to display the Id in the text value as well something like
value = ID
text = Name (ID)
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
there are 2 parts to this question: 1. where to validate and 2. how to validate.
where: client or server?
always validate on the server as you should never trust the user's input (response). client validation is a nicety that improves the user experience, but it doesn't replace server...
xunit, nunit and mbunit are the big three. there is also mspec, but I think that is built on top of one of these, I could be wrong. I would avoid MS Test. compare to the rest of the options it's too little too late.
all of them work with the VS plug-in. nunit also has built in...
if you are using front page, then you're using MS products. Being that your new to development, WebMatrix may be a good choice. but if you don't undestand programming, then no server side processing will be easy to grasp.
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
out of the box no, this is purely an html issue. it has nothing to do with webforms.
what you can do is use javascript to increase the width of the html element when it has focus. jquery library makes working with js easier.
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
What have your results turned up so far. If you need a place to begin researching I'm sure SAP (Crystal Reports), MS or even a google search would be able to answer this for you.
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
the password extender is informative for the user. it acts as a warning, but doesn't prevent weak or moderately strong passwords.
Jason Meckley
Senior Programmer
My Blog
a report is another form of UI and therefore difficult, if not impossible to test/debug other than manually producing the output and verifying the results.
to minimize the UI foot print you can use design techniques to abstract the UI away from the logic and data, there by allowing you greater...
can it be done: yes, look into the image button/link or wrapping an image with a hyper linke
gridview or datalist: these controls are desgined for a collection of data. so you may have a list of students/links you want to display these controls may be useful. gridview displays tabular data...
I would bet that with more knowledge and really understanding what the users need and why they need it, this window can be expanded. besides, they have the option to click "Update Now", or you can offer them that option.
the truth is, there are very few operations which require true real time...
the two are separate concepts. fetching data, and how much data to fetch has nothing to do with presenting the data. so whether you fetch 20 records or 20K records the page should behave the same. However you shouldn't be fetching 20K records at once. the user doesn't want to deal with 20K...
so have it check in smaller intervals. like every 30 seconds or every x minutes. this is acceptable for a web UI, even a desktop UI really.
what do you mean? i don't see where the session ends in this code. and by making repeated ajax calls via the timer you will keep the user's session alive...
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